Demolition Lovers

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Chapter Fourteen.
Title from Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance.

I aimed the gun as I stormed in, surprising everyone, the voices ceasing for a moment before a few startled cries erupted.
"Nobody move, nobody speak" I instructed, hissing as I did. Frank then came in, doing as I had instructed and closing the door behind us.

I glanced around at everyone's faces, some of them looking startled while some of them looked angry, and others looked defeated.

I waited until Frank had his gun aimed too before I spoke anymore, my eyes landing on Ray. Ray looked at me with worry filled eyes, I knew he didn't want to die, and maybe I would let him live.

He's the reason I'm here, he's the reason Frank is alive.
I nodded very gently at him just to let him know to wait, that he is safe.

I wasn't trembling as much, but I still was, I'm in control right now. Frank and I are safe.

All of a sudden, Bob, who I've known for some time reached to grab a knife from the table.
I didn't hesitate before shooting him, the blood spraying all over the wall as his head erupted.
The blood sprayed on everyone in range, causing a woman to scream. I killed her too.

I killed her because my plan was to kill all of them, if they knew I wanted all of them dead right now they wouldn't be so obedient.

I saw most of them sweating, there were about twelve of them left at the table.

"Put your hands up" I ordered, not glancing at Frank, I hoped he didn't think I was a monster after that.
This was our plan all along, but now that we're doing it I hated it.

I hated it because I had to do it, because all of these people are just like me, they all want out. Though most of them are also so dedicated to Miss Florence for saving them, that I don't have a choice if I want her dead. Most of them would die for her.

That's her plan, and they all worship her for saving them. They all see a savior, none of them have ever dared to look further.

I have to have a way to eliminate them now.

"Where is Miss Florence?" I demanded. None of them spoke, not even Ray. Maybe he understands what my motive is now. He's caught on.

"We'll never tell you" a man spoke, spitting as he sweat. I shot him.
Eleven left. One is Ray who I don't plan on killing, so that makes ten to go.

Maybe I can eliminate them this way.

I aimed the gun at another guy "tell me where she is now" I demanded, once he didn't speak, he shook his head so I killed him too.
And a man after him for no answer.

I know that she's most likely in her office or in her room, it won't be hard to find her.

Before I could speak to the next victim, the door to the dining room opened. It swung open and there was nothing Frank or I could do to stop it.

"Oh, hello, Gerard and Frank. You decided to join us for dinner?" Miss Florence spoke in her formal tone as she held a pistol in her hand.
I felt the air leave my lungs.

I looked at Frank, and somehow it was like he understood what I needed him to do without me telling him. He kept his gun aimed at the table as I turned to her, but before I was able to shoot, she was behind Frank.
She smirked as she held the gun to his head.

"Don't you dare hurt him" I spat at her, feeling everything falling apart. The threat. The fact that he could be dead in a second shook me to very core.

If I lose Frank, what is there to try for?

I heard her chuckle, and I wanted so bad to kill her.
"Why don't you boys join me for a drink up in my office? We have some catching up to do" she said casually, I watched the evil glint in her eyes.

Without speaking, she knew that I agreed, because there wasn't a choice if I wanted Frank alive.
I could tell that he was nervous, which meant he didn't completely want to die. He was trembling. It broke my heart.

This is my fault for bringing him.

"Put the guns down" she ordered.

She didn't know about the ones in our pockets. Maybe this is how she ends.

Frank and I both hesitantly laid the guns on the ground before we were escorted out. She walked with Frank, her gun pressed to his head.
We walked up the stairs to her office where she shut the door behind us.
"Sit down" she said as if she was being a polite hostess.

Frank and I did as we were told, and she moved behind her desk, the gun still aimed as she placed two glasses of alcohol in front of us.
They were already made, she planned for this and poured the alcohol before she even got us.
If she had actually cared about her people, she would've went down as soon as she knew we were here.

She sipped from her glass and sat back, looking at us with her evil smirk. Frank took more than a sip from his glass, I could tell he was anxious. The gun was on him.

She knew that's the only way I would do what she said.
I met eyes with Frank, his beautiful swimming eyes were wide now. Afraid.

"I find it.. distasteful that you attacked us after all I've done for you" she said, meeting my eyes.

"You did nothing but ruin my life" I spat at her.

"Your life was already ruined, Gerard" she said politely, taking another sip from her glass.

"You used me" I shot back.

"I saved you!" She yelled, hitting her hand on the table as she looked at me with her hate filled eyes, her professionalism was dinted with her outburst.

"You take people who are in pain and you turn them into monsters! Your own killing machines so you profit off of our pain" I yelled, standing up from my seat and looking down at her. She was surprised.

She's surprised because she knows I'm right.

"Gerard, you were my favorite monster" she said, her face etched with hatred and pain all in one, as if I was the one that betrayed her.
"You were ruthless and daring, and there wasn't a single thing you wouldn't do. You were a companion, all until you met him!" She spat, standing up from her spot to be equal to me.
"I saved you, I picked you up off of those streets and helped you recover from drugs. I mended you. After all I've done for you, you did this! You killed your brothers and sisters"

"You turned me into a monster! You are a monster, you make people think you're saving them but you're just-"

"What, so you were my monster until you met him? Why couldn't you kill him? He was no different than the rest of them. We could've been okay!" She seethed, motioning towards Frank with the gun.

"I love him" I seethed, getting closer to her face. Her face fell, she looked at me with a look that I couldn't recognize.

I felt so angry I thought I might be able to kill her with my bare hands, right now. I thought I could jump over the desk and break her neck, I wanted to.

Miss Florence and I were staring at each other while Frank began to cough. It was almost entrancing to challenge her. She suddenly began to smile, stepping back from how close we were, her eyes falling on Frank.

I turned to him too, my eyes landing on what I hadn't expected. I should've expected.
I could feel myself screaming before I could hear it, I could hardly hear it.

Tears filled my eyes instantaneously after five years without them.

Frank slumped against the chair, pale with vomit coating his chin.

No. No. No.

She poisoned him.

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