One Chance To Put This At An End

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Chapter Thirteen.
Title from Our Lady Of Sorrows by My Chemical Romance.

Most nights, Frank and I would lie sleepless in our beds across from each other. After a certain point we wouldn't talk, we would just think.
Frank usually slept at least four or five hours a night, and I slept about four or five hours every other night.

Frank knew what to do in the event of my nightmares and I knew what to do in the event of his, we struggled together.

But last night, Frank ended up in my bed with me. His head on my chest and his arm stretched across my torso as I kept a hand on the back of his head. He slept longer than he usually does, staying in that position all night while I sleeplessly thought of every possibility the following day might hold.

I eventually got about an hour and a half of sleep towards the end. I wanted to rest as much as possible.

"We should do it at night, right? So we can just sneak into their rooms and take them one by one" Frank said, coming out of the bathroom in one of his new outfits.
The one he chose for today.
It was his long sleeved black t-shirt with his olive green cardigan on top, along with his usual black jeans. It looked perfect on him, it really did, but I dreaded knowing that it could be the last thing he ever wore.

The outfit I chose for today was the black jeans, a v-neck black t-shirt and the leather jacket he picked for me.
Nothing changed as far as my color scheme goes, but it was a lot different from what I used to wear.

He had a point about going at night, but I knew most of them had trouble sleeping, so it wasn't likely that it would be clean.
Either way, I'm not sure that it would be clean.

If we did it at dinner time, everyone would be in the same room. There would be no need to block the basement door because we could keep everyone in the room, or maybe we could sneak into the basement first to grab the semi-automatic weapons.

"If we did it at dinner time, usually 7:00 on the dot, we could sneak into the basement to grab semi-automatic weapons and then hold up the dining room. Everyone but Miss Florence would be in that room and she wouldn't know anything was happening unless something brought her attention to it" I said, watching him nod. Maybe his idea is better, maybe mine is better. I'm not exactly sure.

"We can do it at dinner time then" he told me "with semi-automatic weapons we could do it quickly, and then kill Miss Florence because she wouldn't have a chance. After that we can grab the file and book it.. is there anyone close enough to hear the gunshots?" He asked.

I shrugged "it's a property surrounded by woods, it isn't likely that anyone would be close enough to hear but we should be quick to be safe" I said, watching him bite his lip.

Is he nervous too?
Does he know that I'm nervous?

I wonder.


"Is this the road?" He asked, leaning to look out his window.

I felt my hands tremble as I held the wheel. "Yeah" I said, feeling a twisting in my gut.
It felt like a knife had been planted there.

I even felt a little light headed, filled with a very bad feeling. I'm putting Frank in danger, this isn't even his mess.

I parked the car on the side of the road that lead to the house, looking at him as I sucked in a breath. "We can walk the rest of the way" I told him, reaching across him to the glove compartment where the weapons were.

"Gerard, it's okay to be nervous" he told me, looking into my eyes. I stopped reaching and let my hand fall into his lap.

"I don't want to lose you" I whispered to him.

"You won't" he said, as if it were a promise but he didn't want to say the words 'I promise' because there's no way he could actually be sure that I wouldn't lose him.

Frank placed his hand on my cheek, one of his fingers falling behind my ear as the others caressed me. His lips found mine and it felt just like the first kiss.
It was sweet, and perfect, and filled with a goodbye. A 'just in case we die' goodbye that filled me with dread.

When we got out of the car, we walked with the guns beside us and the knives in our pocket. It wasn't until we approached the house that we rushed to the door. If anyone had seen us through the windows, they would've been alerted and out here by now.

My heart was pounding, and I checked the time on my watch that read 7:04pm. The sun was just beginning to set.

We stayed outside the door for a moment as I contemplated how safe it would be to go in now. I decided to sneak to one of the windows in the dining room, peeking in for only a moment so I wouldn't get caught doing so.

"They're all in there" I whispered to Frank, looking at his beautiful, swimming eyes as he nodded at me.

I took a deep breath and tried to stop the trembling of my hands as we returned to the front door. The door has a password to unlock it, and it beeps lightly when it's been unlocked but I don't think it's audible from the dining room.

"Are you ready?" I asked him, watching as he got in position, holding the gun the way I taught him.

"Ready" he whispered as I began to type in the code I had memorized.
When the beep erupted from the door, I rushed in, motioning for Frank as I shut the door as quietly as possible behind us.
We both had our guns ready as I lead him to the door directly across from the front entrance.

My heart was pounding in my head, and I was surprised by how smoothly it had worked so far. Once we get these guns and make it to the dining room, we're basically assured to live, right?

Frank and I walked as gently as possible down the stairs.
Once we made it down, I flipped on a light that illuminated a few tables of weapons. I heard him take a breath as he saw all of it.

"Oh look, there's silencers too" I whispered, grabbing a large gun for myself and for Frank.
I gave him a very short demonstration on how to hold it and shoot it just in case, warning him of the kick.

We don't have much time.

I let my eyes land on him, and he nodded, telling me that it's okay. It's time.

After this we don't have to hide anymore, we can finish Franks business and then we're free.

I went up the stairs first, opening the door gently and closing it after Frank. I scanned the lobby area, looking for a glimpse of anyone. There was no one in sight.

Frank followed me as we walked down the hallway that lead to the double doors.
They were open, as they always are at dinner time.
"I'll go in, you come in after I have my gun up and shut the doors behind us" I whispered to him, so lightly that I didn't know if he heard me, but he nodded, assuring me that he did.

I closed my eyes for a moment as I prepared myself, looking at Franks beautiful face for what I hoped wouldn't be the last time.

Then, I stormed in.

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