Show You How Much I Love You

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Chapter Seventeen.
Title from Zero Percent by My Chemical Romance.

I felt the tears cloud my vision as my eyes landed on Frank. He sat on the bed, looking out the window, even as I stepped in.
He didn't realize I was here yet.

He looked pale, and he had an IV in his arm, but he was alive, and he was okay and that's all I wanted.

"Frank" I cried, stepping towards him as he turned his head towards me.

"Gerard?" He returned, his voice cracking lightly as he spoke.

I felt the warm rush of tears as they escaped my eyes, when I got to his side I immediately engulfed him in a hug. My arms wrapping around him tightly as he held me too, his face in my neck as I kissed the side of his head.
I couldn't stop the tears, and I felt his tears too.

I felt his tears wetting my neck as we stayed in that position for minutes upon minutes, only separating to hold each other's faces in our hands.
"I thought I lost you" I cried to him, as he looked into my eyes, his fingers running across the wetness of my cheek.

"I told you that you wouldn't" he said, with a light tearful smile.

"I'm so sorry that this happened" I said, feeling completely responsible.
It's all my fault. I should've at least been cautious about her giving us drinks.

"It's not your fault" he said.

"It is" I replied, watching him shake his head.

"Gerard, I'm alive because of you" he said with a light laugh as we still held each other's faces only inches apart from each other.

"I love you" I cried, burying my face in his neck this time, his arms gently running along my back as I cried into him.

I cried and I cried and I cried.
"I love you too" he whispered to me.

When I pulled away, he wiped my tears again, blowing gently on my face as a way to help. I closed my eyes and let him, resting my hand on his head as he did so.

"I finished it" I told him after a few minutes of holding each other.

Franks eyes widened, almost as if he didn't believe me.

"I killed him and saved another boy that was down there" I told him, watching his eyes fill with tears again.

"You did?" He asked, still in disbelief "you really did?" He cried, covering his mouth lightly.

"I really did" I assured him with a tearful smile. Now it was my turn to wipe his tears.

He took a breath and looked up at the ceiling, it was a smile of relief, he was taken aback and almost in shock like he didn't know what to do.
"Gerard, you've saved me in so many more ways than one" he told me, pulling me to him again. "Thank you so much" he whispered.

When we pulled away this time, I planted my lips onto his, feeling that perfect warmth again.
He smiled into the kiss, placing his hand on my cheek until we pulled away.

"Now we're free" I promised, holding his hand in mine as we sat side by side.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" He asked, almost suddenly. I smiled at him, figuring that we were already technically going steady, but now it was official.

"Of course" I told him, leaning in to peck him on the cheek, seeing his light smile as he blushed.

I love him.
I'm so in love with him, and ever since I met him he's filled some part of my emptiness.
He made me feel sadness and pain and anger, and happiness and love. He made me feel everything all over again and it was all because of him.
He saved me too, more than he knows.

We saved each other, we made it through this together, and I never plan on leaving his side.

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