A Love Thats More

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Chapter Ten.
Title from Drugstore Perfume by Gerard Way.

I picked up a few bottles of hair dye, investigating each color.
"Frank" I said as he was grabbing the stuff to bleach my dark locks beforehand.

He turned his head to look at me, alert.

"What color?" I asked, watching him give me a light smile as he walked over to where I stood. His small and fragile frame stood next to me.

Frank smirked as he picked up the red, looking between me and the color a few times before picking up the dyes needed.
So far we've gotten the things necessary to shave his head and dye mine, so there's still a lot we need to get.

After checking out with my cash, we left the small hair supply store and began walking down the street. It was nice outside, the time of year where it's becoming fall. The leaves were changing and some were falling, the weather was a little cooler and the sky was pale but it wasn't completely autumn yet.

We've already looked through a few clothing stores and we've found nothing, which was slightly stressful as this is the first time we've been out in public since we've been on the run.
We finally came to one that we thought we'd be able to find something in, neither of us knew completely what we were looking for.

After a few minutes of browsing I heard a whisper from a few racks away.
"Gerard" it said.

I glanced at where I heard it from to see Frank with a goofy cowboy hat on his head
"I found your new look" he laughed, handing the hat to me.

I laughed with him and put it on jokingly "yee-haw"
That made Frank laugh more, and I loved it.

I looked for a few minutes before I found something, it was just a black long sleeved t-shirt, which was different from his hoodie but not too far from it. Only a few seconds after grabbing the shirt I found an olive colored cardigan that went perfectly. It was a loose material and I smiled to myself as I presented it to Frank.
He looked at it with a skeptical gaze but took it after a few minutes.

Frank and I separated in the store, but not far enough be unable to see each other. I made sure of that, if anything happened I needed to get to him, even if it was unlikely for them to find us in a store.

I found a few more items for Frank, a gray shirt that had three buttons on the top, a black t-shirt, and a blue t-shirt along with a leather jacket. The pants he wears now will go fine with all of this.

When I returned to Frank with all of the items, he gave me just as many. I didn't know we were shopping for each other, but it makes more sense that way because I don't think I would've picked the things he did for me, and he totally wouldn't pick what I got for him.
Immediately I saw skinny jeans and brought my eyes to his "skinny jeans?" I muttered, exasperated.

Frank chuckled "come on" he jokingly pleaded with me.
Fine, Frank, you win. Just by looking at me, you win.

When we went to the changing rooms we put on our clothes, just to make sure they fit. I was surprised because I actually didn't hate what I ended up with. A leather jacket as well, a black t-shirt with a slight v-neck, a dark gray t-shirt and another black t-shirt with two denim jackets of different colors and the jeans I was previously complaining about.

I only showed Frank one of the outfits, the last one I tried on which was the leather jacket with the black v-neck and jeans. He showed me the one outfit I chose for him that was my favorite, the black shirt with the olive cardigan.

"I didn't think you'd be able to find something that looked good" he laughed, obviously teasing me.

I gave him a look of mock offense "neither did I, Frank" I joked back.

We left the store joking.
This is the happiest I've been in maybe my entire life. I owe that all to Frank, and I could feel that his sadness was still there, but I knew that it wasn't as strong as it used to be.

I studied his face, looking at his sad eyes and the bags that sat under them, and the way he looked when he had a minute alone to think. He's still sad.
At least sometimes now he smiles and laughs, at least I've been able to give him something.

When we got into our new motel room that evening, we were actually shocked as it was a bit bigger. The beds were double instead of twin and we had a small kitchenette.
There was also a TV for us to flip through aimlessly, watching the disappointment of a president.

"Fuck Trump" I heard Frank mutter as he flipped past the news channels.

I smiled to myself when he said that.

I plugged in the item I would use to shave Franks hair, and then I began to prepare the hair dye.
"Are you ready to be sheared?" I called to Frank, smiling as he made his way to the bathroom door, leaning against it as he met my eyes.

"Are you ready to see me transform?" He asked, humor in his voice as I motioned for him to enter the bathroom.

"Here, sit on the edge of the tub" I told him. He did as I said and I looked down at him. He looked up at me with innocent eyes.
I've never done this before, but it can't be too hard, can it? I'm shaving it all.

If it were anyone but Frank I would have him take his shirt off, just so the hair didn't get all over it, but I knew not to ask that much of him. I knew he would rather get hair all over it.

I threw him a mischievous look as I turned the clippers on. He gave me one of mock fear.
When I climbed in the tub, getting behind him, he tensed up. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah" he said softly.

I began shaving his head, watching as the clumps of hair fell from his head. I wondered to myself how different he would look without the black circling his face.
At one point he looked choppy, and then by the end of it he just had a shaved head.

"You're all done" I said as I finished going over the bottom close to his neck.

I stepped out of the tub as he stood up. Looking at him, I saw that Frank actually looked amazing. His face wasn't hidden anymore, and he somehow looked even cuter.

I smiled at him warmly "you look great, Frankie" I told him.

He smiled at me as he ran a hand over his head "really?"

I nodded quickly, surely. "See for yourself" I said, motioning towards the mirror as I moved back to the doorway of the bathroom. He stepped in front of the sink and looked at himself, still running his hand over his newly shaved head.

He chuckled before looking at me "it feels weird" he told me, smiling though. I knew he liked it too. It was different and perfect.

"Does it?" I chuckled in response.

Frank stepped towards me, maybe closer than we've ever been, grabbing my hand in his and lifting it to his head. He place my hand on his newly shaved head and left his on top of mine while I moved my fingers a bit.
I wasn't only thinking of how weird it felt, and I knew that he wasn't either.

His eyes, his beautiful, swimming, innocent eyes were on mine directly and perfectly. His lips still held a light smile, and in this moment I wasn't just feeling how weird his head felt now that it was shaved, I was standing close to him and looking into his eyes with my hand on his head and his hand on my hand.

Maybe it was in that moment that I realized that I loved him.
I truly loved him in a way that I've never loved anyone before.

"Frank" I whispered to him. It slipped from my lips before I could stop it.

"Yeah?" He asked in a whisper, I could feel his breath on my face as he spoke. My hand still on his head and his hand still on my hand.

It was almost a mutual thing. I slid my hand from his head and down his face, caressing it before I rested my hand just below his cheek on his jaw.
What surprised me was that he lifted his hand to my face too. I felt his soft hand on my cheek and we just looked at each other, caressing each other for the first time.
He had hair sitting on his shoulders and the most beautifully contagious smile.

Nothing needed to be said between us.

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