The World Is Ugly But You're Beautiful To Me

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Chapter Eighteen - Epilogue.
Title from The World Is Ugly by My Chemical Romance.

"You're beautiful" I whispered to Frank, tracing his smiling lips with my fingertips.

He opened his mouth and lightly bit my fingertips, making me laugh and pull my fingers back.
He laughed with me, sitting up from where he had been laying on the bed.

"You're funny" he replied as he looked down at me.

"Truthful" I argued with a smirk, watching him roll his eyes.

"There's no winning with you" he laughed.

"You're right" I confirmed, moving to where I was sitting beside him on the bed. He pressed a kiss into my cheek and then another one and another one, making me chuckle as I pulled away from him and attacked him in gentle pecks too.

When we were done with that, he laid his head on my shoulder, wrapping his arm around me as he did so.

"How was therapy today?" I asked, kissing his head. It was quite a bit longer than the shave he used to have, but it was still short on his head.

"It was good, she thinks the medication is helping a lot. I agree" he said with a shrug.

"I agree too" I told him.
He's been able to get out of bed, which is the most noticeable part. He's also been sleeping better and having less frequent nightmares, but they still happen. They always will.

There was a dark time where Frank had a really hard time with the nightmares, I was always there for them though, and he was still always there for mine.
We aren't the healthiest sleepers, but we've been doing good. There's nothing for us to be afraid of anymore, we're free and able to spend some time recovering together.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked him, feeling him instantaneously nod into my chest.

I chuckled as he got up quickly after that.
"I'll make the popcorn" he called to me as he walked down the hallway to the kitchen.

Frank really likes our movie nights, which means cuddling on the couch with blankets draped over us as we try not to distract each other from the film.

I followed him and stood at the entrance to the kitchen as he turned the microwave on and turned to me, smiling gently and adorably.
"What?" He asked, furrowing his brow.

"You're just cute" I shrugged, stepping in to open the fridge and grab two bottled waters.

Frank was blushing when I looked up at him, he was wearing the gray shirt I had bought for him a long time ago when we decided to change up our looks for our "little mission"

"What movie do you want to watch?" He asked me, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know" I replied "I was kinda hoping you'd choose" I smirked, watching him roll his eyes.

"Why are we so indecisive?" He questioned.
This is true. We usually spend a good twenty minutes trying to figure out what movie we're going to watch.

"Fine, I'll pick" I playfully groaned "but no complaining" I said, walking into the living room. I grabbed the remote and looked through all of the movies we had to choose from.
"BeetleJuice?" I called to him.

"Yeah, sure" he replied as I heard the microwave ding, and the smell of popcorn infiltrated the apartment.

A minute later he was turning off the lights and handing me the bowl of popcorn as he got situated beside me with a blanket that he draped over the two of us.
He laid his head on my shoulder as I started the movie, watching the beginning scene of the model town flash across the screen.

Frank picked up a piece of popcorn and threw it at me. I laughed at him "what are you doing?" I asked as I felt him chuckle too.

"You're supposed to catch it in your mouth" he told me, making us both laugh.

"Okay, try again" I told him, and he did, I missed again. He tried two more times and I missed both times.

"You're really bad at this" he told me.

"You try" I laughed as he moved from my shoulder and I threw it up. He moved to catch it but missed.

I laughed at him and he jokingly rolled his eyes, before grabbing another piece and throwing it for himself, this time he caught it.

Then it was his turn to laugh at me.

After awhile, the popcorn was gone and the movie was halfway over. He was snuggled into me, and I held him with my arm as we watched it together, reacting to everything though it's a movie we've seen multiple times.

It was almost hard to believe how far we've both come since everything happened.
He's happier, we both are.

The bad days still happen, the blood is still stained on my hands and we both dream of things that are all long past now.
That's the important part: it's all over.

We're happy together, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
I never thought happiness could exist for me, but it does, and that happiness is in Frank.

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