Part 4

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"I'm going to start the timer right now so, get some questions in your heads." laura announces hovering her thumb over her phone.

"ready, go 5 minuets have started." she places her phone down.

With Ruby and Zach

"So did you guys move in alone or are your parents going to be here with you guys?" Zach looked her in the eyes.

"Well, they bought the house for us, but they won't be moving in with us." her eyes showed sadness, although she tried to hide it, she couldn't help thinking of her dead parents.

"Don't get sad, remember we're here for you guys, pretty sure they'll come and visit soon. If they don't then you guys are always welcomed to our home." she smiles a little.

She clears her throat. "That's really sweet of you, we'll take the offer someday."

"How about you, are you guys related?" she asks. 

"Well no we're not, but we act as if we were. We live together because we're in a band, and our label wants our bond to grow. We're a manband." she nods her head as he ends. 

"Manband?" she questions.

"yeah, as you can see all six of us are men. In fact I'm such a man, I'm already growing facial hair." she laughs at how 'dumb' he is.

"What about you guys?" he asks.

"what about us?" 

"are you guys related?" he cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah, we're 5 sisters and we love spending time with each other. Making memories ya know?" he smiles at her.

"yeah, maybe one day when we're touring you guys can accompany us?" he stares at her waiting for a response.

"yeah that would be fun." she smiles.

"We should get ice cream sometime.." she looks at him. Crimson crawling up her cheeks," Like... all of us of course..." he scratches the back of his neck nervously.

With Joselin and Jonah

"Since you mentioned traveling, where have you traveled out to before?" Jonah waits for a response.

"Well we travel a ton and we've travelled out to europe, asia, mexico, we all actually know spanish fluently. If i were to speak to you in spanish I'm pretty sure you wouldn't understand me." she laughs and he just admires her, laughing along too.

"Heyyyy, i know spanish too, its not good but its not bad." she raises an eyebrow.

"Pftt yeah okay." she keeps laughing.

"Why do you travel so much, is it your parents job?" Joselin winces at the word parents. Her thoughts wander off to the last image of her parents.

"Joselin... Joselin?" he waved his hand infront of her face.

"Whut?" she blinked several times.

"Are you ok?" jonah looked at her concerned.

"Oh no yeah im fine I just wandered off to another world, she fake smiles.

"Damn, am I that boring?" he questioned.

"No, no your not boring at all, you're completely the opposite, i mean look at you who could get bored of someone like you." as she finishes her sentence her eyes go wide. 

"Sorry, I didn't-" she gets cut off.

"Hey, It's okay, You're not so bad yourself." he winks over at her.

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