Part 22

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"Boys here are you're disguises, hurry up and change into them." Lanny hands them each a hanger with clothes and walks out.

They wore basic clothes, so technically they weren't disguises.

They walked out the room and met with everyone else downstairs.

"uhh I don't think theses disguises work very well." Jack said raising his arm looking at how baggy the shirt fit him.

"yeah, those aren't your disguises." The guys looked confused.

"These are your costumes." she handed them a hanger each and they went back up stairs."


"Dang we look good." Jack said looking at himself in the mirror."

Everyone looked at Jack.

"Jack we're dressed as girls!!!" Daniel stated.

"Yeahh, and we look goood." he winked at himself in the mirror.

"I don't know about you guys, but I am NOT walking out of this house doors dressed like this, and there is nothing they can do about it." Daniel stated.


"I hate you guys." He said as his heels clicked against the pavement.

The girls had smirks plastered on their faces.

"we're almost there."

 The guys followed behind them.

Right before they got to the car, a red car pulled up right next to them.

"Hey there beauties." a brunette haired guy stuck his head out the window.

Laura stopped and told the guy to F off, but he told her he wasn't interested in her or her little clique, but in the females walking behind them.

The guys looked scared.

"Us?!?!" Jonah asked in his normal voice, he realized he broke the cover then cleared his voice, "I mean, Us? " His voice squeaked.

"Yeah, would you fine ladies like to go have a good time at our place?"

Daniel gulped.

"We're lesbian." Zach said in a high pitched voice.

He grabbed Rosie's hand and began walking away.

Everyone else did the same each grabbing "their" girl.

Rosie's cheeks began turning pink so she looked down and since Zach was taller than her he couldn't see.

The rest of the girls acted neutral, not really thinking about the guy who was holding their hand.

Once they go to the car they took their heels and wigs off. 

"Not every girls wears heels and dresses ya know." Daniel looks at Laura through the rear view mirror.

"Your point."

"Why do we have to wear dresses and heels?"

Laura shrugged, "Because it's funny." she held a laugh back.

"HaHa very funny." Zach said taking off the wig.

"We have your disguises in the back, we'll give them to you guys when we see a gas station."

"Why stop at a gas station, we could just change in the van." Corbyn blankly stated.

"Nuh-uh, there is no way you guys are changing here with us in the atmosphere."

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