Part 19

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"Finally We're all done." Zach sighed as he plopped down on the couch.

Everyone groaned except for Jack who didn't do anything because it was his birthday so the guys gave him a pass.

They all plopped down on the couch with their legs spread out, their hands placed on top of their thighs and their heads rested back. It was all quiet until they heard a weird sound.

"Did you guys hear that?" Jack asked looking around.

"Jack we're too tired for your pranks." Corbyn groaned.

"I swear I'm not pranking you guy-" the sound was heard again.

"There, it's coming form up stairs." The guy's heads rise up from the comfortable cushioned couch.

"Do you think someone was too drunk and passed out in our restroom?" Zach asked.

"I Hope not, that would mean they puked all over our restroom and we have to clean it now." Daniel complained.

They got up from the couch and made their way to the stair case and stopped right in front of it

"Hello?" Daniel called.

Footsteps were heard from the top floor.

"Hey, excuse me buddy, but the party's over." Jonah began walking up the stairs.

He stopped in his tracks as a short haired brunette in a black leather suit holding a gun came into their view.

she smirked at them," That's where you're wrong because the party has just begun."

"Now Jonah if your so kind of backing up to where your friends are at." she pointed the gun to his band mates.

He walks down the steps slowly.

"What did you guys do?" Daniel whispers raising his arms shoulder height.

"I did nothing!" Zach immediately whispers back, raising his arms.

"Is this a prank?" Jack follows by raising his arms.

"Seriously guys, what did you do?" Jonah raises his arms.

"I'm sorry, is that a gun?" Corbyn points to the gun held by the female standing a few feet away.

She shoots.

"Now who wants to be the next smart ass."

He falls.


Lanny's POV:

"We need to get out of here." I slammed my body against the door, attempting to open it, but to no luck the door didn't open.

"Lanny stop you're gonna hurt yourself, It's no use." Jasmin said.

"Who had the bright idea to say hey how about we make doors where people could lock themselves in a room." I push again and again.

Hopefully I'm getting the attention of someone down there, although it seems pretty quiet.

"Hello?" It's a muffled voice.

"Who is that?" jasmin whispers.

"I don't know but if they come up here they can unlock us." I whisper back.

Footsteps are heard passing by us.

Muffled voices are heard and then it goes silent once more.


James' POV:

"Jake sneak in through one of the windows on the top floor, we need to find out where she locked them up. Bryan, Dylan, and Ross you guys make sure the guys are safe and free from the others. I'm going to help Jake look for the girls. Understood?"

"Yes." we part ways.

Jake and I climb a tree which has a branch that extends to one of the windows.

Jake goes in first and slowly opens the door looking out, he raises a thumbs up and I walk out with my gun pointing in front of me.

"Check those rooms I'll check these." 

One of the door jiggles.

"If anyone is out there can you open the door?" it sounds like Lanny.

"Lanny, it's me James, The door requires a key which we don't have so please stand back so I can kick the door open."

"That won't work, I've been trying to kick it down and it does not budge!!" she yells from the other side.

"That's probably because your weak!!" Jake yells with a smirk.

"Stand back, I'm going to kick it!" I yell.

I kick the door once and it doesn't open, I kick the door once more and it doesn't open either.

"C'mon" I grit through my teeth.

I kick again and I see that Jake is doing the same thing at another door.

"Just shoot the knob!" I yell over to Jake.

The fight down stairs had just began and the ruckus was loud.

We shoot the knobs and they doors finally creak open.

I go to the next one and shoot it open to find Laura tied to a chair unconscious.

She had all the girls' weapons surrounding her including their bracelets.

"Laura, wake up." I shake her by the shoulders.

Her eyes slowly open.

"What's going on down there?" 

Before he could answer his red bracelet lit up and Ross' voice was heard, "DYLAN WAS SHOT AND THE BLOND GUY IS LAYING ON THE FLOOR UNCONCIOUS! WE NEED BACK UP!! NOW!!" the gun shots and the sounds of breaking glass was heard as background.

"Grab your stuff and go!" 

The girls finish clipping on their bracelets and grab their guns running right behind the two guys.

"Run down the stairs as fast as you can I'll cover you guys."

Jake runs down shooting at the threat, making his way over to Dylan who has been shot on the arm.

Jake's POV:

"JAKE BEHIND YOU!" Bryan points his gun at me I duck down and he shoots.

A feminine grunt is escapes the person.

I turn around to see its Crystal.

Wait so this means...


What the fuck.


I tear my shirt sleeve off and press it against Dylan's wound.

"Is that tight enough?" Dylan nods.

"Keep it there and try not to move so much that way you dont loose too much blood.

Laura's POV:

I made my way over to the guys who were hiding behind the couch.

"I know you guys are confused and scared but trust me and stay down. Corbyn was not shot with an actual bullet, he was shot by with a tranquilizer so don't worry for him and worry about protecting yourselves." They nod and I peak over to Lanny and mouth the words 'cover me' to her, she nods and I run to the table flipping it sideways to use it as a cover. 

"SHE'S RUNNING AWAY!" Jasmin aims her gun at her and I see Rosie Raise her gun at Jasmin. 









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