Part 9

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The next day the girls woke up to the sound of a loud bang.

Laura rushed down stairs, the rest of the girls ran behind her.

"sorry" Jasmin grinned shyly. 

"Jasmin, what the hell dude, I almost pissed my pants." Joss stated.

Jasmin groaned, "look I was hungry, I was reaching for a bowl and it ended up falling. It's not my fault I'm short." 

"How bout you clean this mess up and you guys let me cook breakfast. what do you guys want?" Joselin asked.

"Oooooooo can you make a strawberry milk shake and waffles, please!!!?!!!" jasmin pleaded.

"Alright, clean this up though." jasmin smiled and walked to the living room.

the rest of the girls, except Joselin, walked to the living room as well.

"so who's phone is it?" ruby questioned plopping down on the couch. 

"Daniels..." Laura trails.

"So did you tell head quarters?" Lanny asks.

"Yes, I had a call with Torres, he wants us to be more aware of our surrounding than ever, especially on Daniel."

The door bell suddenly rings.

Lanny looks at the girls, "Were any of you expecting anyone?" they shake their head.

Lanny quietly makes her way to the door. she peeps through the little hole. 

She opens the door.

"Hey! is Laura home?" Corbyn asked.

"hey, and yes," she turns her head and calls, "Laura, someone's looking for you!!" laura comes to the door and Lanny leaves. 

"hey, what's up?" 

"hey, are you busy?"

"Right now? I was gonna eat waffles," she grins happily, "But if you need me right this instance i'll help you first." her expression faded to a serious one.

"How about I buy you breakfast and then I'll tell you why I came."

"No Way." laura bla seriously i want to nkly said.

Corbyn looked down. He was hurt.

"No Way am I letting this free food pass. Wait here a sec, i'll be right back, Don't.Move." she ran to the living room.

"i'm going to eat with Corbyn i'll be back." she ran up to her room and grabbed a hoodie. she ran back down stairs towards the door.

"Alright let's go." she huffed.

"Alright." he smiled and the walked side by side.


"Okay so I made 2 waffles for each of us except laura." she brought in the stack of waffles.

"Yay!!!!" ruby launched her self towards the waffles as soon as they were placed down.

"Jasmin no phones at the table." Lanny reminded.

"Sorry I was texting jack, apparently he want's to hang later."
Lanny raised an eyebrow.

"So suddenly the guys want to spend time with both, you and Laura, alone?" then the door bell rang.

"some one else go open it, I already did it."lanny cut a piece of her waffle and ate it.

"Fine i'll go." ruby peeped through the hole.
She swung the door open.

"Hi, are you looking for lanny? yeah, I thought so." she didn't let him speak, "lanny, daniel is looking for you!!" she turned and walked back to her food while Daniel just stood there dumb founded.

"hey!" she smiled.

"hey, I was wondering if you want to hang out later?" he smiled.

"yeah, but why didn't you just text?" she asked confused.

"I never got your number." she started laughing .

"let me see your phone." she extended her hand.

he pulled his phone out and unlocked it before handing it to her.

she put her number in and handed it back to him. 

"now you can call me and text me." she smiled.

"Alright, I'll text you everyday from now on" he smiled, "I'll let you get back to eating." he put his phone in his pocket.

Lanny was lost how did he know she was eating, "Wait how did you know?" he started laughing while pointing to her mouth.

she got her phone and raised it to her face. She saw the reflection of the milkshake moustache. she immediately wiped i seriously i wantt off turning crimson.  

He started laughing harder," i'll see you later."  he walked away laughing.

she closed the door still red in embarrassment.

she walked back to the girls.

"what were you saying about the guys wanting to hang out?" Jasmin mocked.

"oh shut it, How was I supposed to know he wanted to hang out."

"Now we're just waiting for Zach and Jonah to come ask them to hang."

"Zach and I are hanging out right after I finish eating, so technically we're waiting for Jonah to come and ask her. " Ruby said.

The girls smirked at ruby.

"I guess today's their day off?" they just shrugged and continued with breakfast.

After breakfast all the girls were out the house except for joselin.
Jonah hadn't asked her to hang so she just stayed home watching netflix.

Jonah texted her a while after.

Jonah: hey 😀
Joss: haii 😊
Jonah: so I'm home alone, you wanna come over?
Joss: I'll be there in 5 ;)
Jonah: see you 😏

Later she hung out with jonah. They ordered panda and had a movie-thon.
It was quite obvious that jonah and joselin had a thing for each other. The rest of the girls were also falling for the guys.

Zach and Ruby went to the movie theaters, they got fro-yo and spent the rest of the day walking around A nearby mall.

After ihop, corbyn and laura spent the day playing at the park like little kids. When they got tired they laid down on the grass and looked up at the clouds trying to figure out the cloud's form, Corbyn would blurt the most absurd guesses making laura burst out laughing.

Jack and Jasmin went out for a stroll, He wanted to take her to universal studios but instead she wanted to go see baby kittens at a pet store, so he took her and they looked at all the baby kittens she fell in love with all of them.

Lanny and Daniel went to get some ice cream, they talked about how the guys became a band and then he brought her up and asked her about her life, she just answered with saying that they had to move here because they all wanted to experience the LA life. after they walked around until they came to a little store. They walked in and Lanny straight out went to the art section, she wanted to get I tiny canvas, she wound a really tiny canvas it was probably the size of her palm, Daniel admired her while she picked out her canvas, he thought she was the cutest creature out there. After that they went to her house and sat on the porch until everyone came back.


I'm so dead, I need sleep 😴 anywayyy, this is part 9 :) enjoy 

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