Part 15

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Joselin reached over to her counter.

Without looking at the caller ID she answered.

"heeelloo...." she whispers.

"Hey, can we talk?" her eyes shoot wide open.

It was Jonah, what could he want.

"what do we need to talk about?" she turned to her side covering her self.

"I need to explain what happened that night of the party, I know you're mad at me and I want to fix it." 

Why fix it now, why didn't he do it the day it happened, he could've called for all she cared, although  she knows she wouldn't have answered. She didn't let her feeling get the best of her.

"what makes you think I'm mad?" 

Jonah was confused, yesterday she had been avoiding him acting as if he wasn't present, and now here she was telling him she wasn't mad.

"well yesterday you seemed mad at me, you didn't look at me once." 

"I was sleepy." 

"you sure didn't look sleepy when that guy Dylan came."

"I missed him."

"I see, so there's no need to apologize then..." 

"No, what were you going to apologize about, you didn't do anything wrong."

"it was about dancing with tiff."

"why would that get me mad, it's not like we're dating, so no worries and I'm sorry if I came off as rude yesterday, I was just really tired."

"No, I get it, I've had those day's myself."

"It's nice to know someone relates, I gotta go we'll talk some other day."

With that said she clicked.

She checked the time, it was 10 AM.

she pulled the covers off, she stretched and sat up eventually.

she showered and headed down stairs.

everyone was in the living room except for Lanny and Laura.

"Good morning." she walked to the fridge and grabbed a go-gurt.

walking back o the living room she saw an empty spot next to Dylan.

"what's up sleeping beauty, how did her majesty sleep."

Joselin couldn't help but smile at how stupid he was.

"It could've been better." she slurped the go-gurt and placed the plastic on the glass table in front of them.

"So anyone know where the 2 losers are at?" 

"They're probably still sleeping, but tell us what you guys wanna do."

"we could catch up on each others lives."

"nose goes!" they all quickly place their index finger on the tip of their nose.

The last one was ruby.


30 minuets after they started the conversation Lanny and Laura walked down.

"where were you guys?" Jasmin asked.

"We were training, which reminds me, guys we need you to help us train, but that'll be tomorrow. For now we can go buy shoes, because I need new converse and some new clothes."

She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a caprisun.

"So who wants to go?" everyone stood up.

"I'll take the guys and you take them." James told Laura.

"Who do think you are, I only receive orders from torres, and by the looks of it you're no torres, so i'll give the order. you drive the guys and I drive the girls." Lanny face palmed her self.

They all walked out locking the door behind them and loading up the cars.


Once they arrive they go off by partner.

(Partners: Laura and Lanny, James and Jake, Joselin and Dylan, Ruby and Ross, Jasmin and Bryan.)

Jasmin's POV:

Bryan and I decided to go get ice cream, so we went to the nearest ice cream shop.

"Welcome, what flavor would you like?"

I looked at all the color and flavors there were.

"Can I get Cookies and Cream please." Bryan said.

"And for the lovely girlfriend?" my eyes went wide and my cheeks probably turned redder than cherries.

"oh um, no, we're not a thing." I looked down sheepishly.

"oh sorry it's just you guys look so cute together." The lady smiled bright.

"um thanks, can I get the pistachio please." I didn't know what else to tell her so I quickly chose the first flavor ice cream I saw.

After she gave us our ice cream we walked out and strolled around the mall talking and laughing about old memories.

Ruby's POV:

Ross was honestly the sweetest, he was trying to spoil me by buying me stuff I liked. 

"c'mon ruby, let me buy you this perfume, it smells really good, and it would smell better on you." I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Ross, if I wanted to buy it I would, but I already have enough perfume, I don't need anymore."

"Fine, but I'm buying food, and you're not paying one single cent."

"yeah, yeah, okay." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I really want a pretzel, ima go buy it." I dashed out to the pretzel stand. 

"Hey, wait!! I'll pay it." before I got there I was held back by a pair of arms wrapping around my waist.

"let me goo!" I squealed laughing as he picked me up.

"only if you let me buy the pretzel."

"fine!!!" he set me down and I pouted.

 After he payed for my pretzel we walked over to a food court and sat down on a near by table.


Lanny POV:

Laura and I walked over to the converse store, if there's anything you should know about us is that we love converse.

We walk in and we look for deals and nice looking shoes because some we don't own but I'm pretty sure we have the majority.

In the store my eyes catch a nice pair of low-top light blue converse. I reach for them and ask the lady for my size, meanwhile I see laura staring at some blue high-tops. 

"those are nice, you should get them." 

"yeah I think I am, but I think i'm going to take this pair and those yellow ones." she points to a shelf with all kinds of colored converse with cool weird designs.

"oooo i'll takes those green ones." I pointed to the ones right next to the yellow ones.

"alright, then we could go look for clothes for me." laura said as the lady came back with my shoes.

We asked for the other shoes and we were out to seek new clothes for Laura and another perfume for me.


Hey guys!!!

Thank you guys so much for 300 reads I'm amazed, it's my first book, so its a great achievement, thank you once again. Luv u :)))

Hope you enjoyed part 15 :D

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