Part 17

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After their training session they each went for a shower and stayed in the living room watching Movies.

It was around 4pm when Lanny got a text.

Daniel: Hey

She looked at her phone confused. 

"What's wrong?" Jake asked 

"why do you care?" her eyes were glued to her phone.

"Just looking for any news about this mission."

"Well It's not an update."

He resumed to the movie shrugging.

Lanny still confused unlocked her phone and tapped on the screen.

Lanny: Hey??

Daniel: So it's Jack's Birthday and we're throwing him a mini party. We want you guys to come, can you guys make it? Its starting at 6.

Lanny was so taken back by this she didn't know how to answer, if she said yes they would need to be sharing the same environment as those annoying ass girls. Now if she said no she wouldn't be able to think about anything other than what he was doing.

"Guys??" her voice brings everyones eyes to her.

"Would you guys want to go to a party?"

Laura stared at her.

"Who's party?"

"Our neighbors..." she trailed off. 

The girls turned to look at Laura waiting for her response.

"We should go. Remember we need to protect them from anything, so we should go to this party. We never know when something's going to happen." Ross suggested knowing Laura had a hard time deciding.

'He's right' Laura thought.

"Alright, it's 4:30. Be ready by 7." she told them, Lanny texted him back with a 'We'll be there, and we're taking our friends too.' before everyone rushed up the stairs.


"Are we all set, we have weapons and everything?" Lanny asked. they nod as they stand there.

Laura walked up to the door, "I'm checking as you walk out." Laura opened the door and cocked her head to the door signaling them to start walking out.

She made sure the guys and girls had their weapons hidden.

"Alright, lets go." they began walking next door.

Zach's POV:

It was 7:59 pm and A lot of people had came. Except for them. 

I thought they would be here by know. 

"Zach, baby, can you go get me a drink?" she did the typical puppy dog eyes.

I sighed, "yeah, of course." It wasn't a sigh of admiration, it was a sigh of annoyance.

Yes, I know she's my girlfriend, but she can be annoying at times.

I make my way over to the drinks table.

When I see a group of people walk in.

Everything seems to go in slow motion when she walks in.

Her beautiful long brown hair swaying all to one side as she turned around curving her lips into a small smile. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled up... to him. 

"Hey." Jonah came behind me.


"Diana's been looking for you."

"Ok" I looked back to where I last saw them and they were gone. I walk back to Diana. I don't see her where I left her so I go looking around for her. I walk over to our back yard, where I see her in a lone corner, looking down at her wrist.

I approach her, "Diana?" she turns ever so quickly and begins to giggle.

"OMG!! You scared me!!" she grabs the drink from my hand.

"Thanks babe."

"What are you doing out here?" 

"Oh, I was... I needed air." she says quickly.

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, c'mon lets go dance." She gets a hold of my arm and pulls me onto the crowded dance floor.



"We luv you!!" I yelled.

He rolled his eyes playfully and smiled down at the cake.

"Bite it!" 

Jack slowly lowers mouth to the cake looking up to make sure no one pushes him in.

So much for the effort, because I come from behind without being noticed and smash his head into the cake. 

He rises up covered up in frosting, he wipes his eyes and looks around, once his eyes land on me he glares. "Zach, I'll give you about 10 seconds to run." my eyes widen.

I run behind Jonah.

Everyone laughs, My eyes find another pair of eyes. Everything seems to blur out as we stare at each other. I don't have a need to pull out of this trance, this moment seemed perfect, nothing could break it apart, it was only her and I.

"Hey, help me out." Jonah hands me a plate with cake, "pass it out to our guests." 


I walk over to the group of people who don't have cake, "um here you go." I Handed ruby her plate, the plate was pretty small, so when she reached out for it her hand ended on top of mine,

"oh, sorry." she mumbled pulling her hand away.

She grabbed the plate from the sides and handed it over to the guy standing next to her he smiled up at her and thanked her, then he smiled at me and thanked me as well, I attempted to smile back, and nodded, "no problem."

She takes the second plate and thanks me, I nod and walk away.

Jasmin's POV:

I tapped on his shoulder. He turned around, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"  I gave him the mystery bag adorned with a big white bow right in the center.

"Thank you!" he smiled and grabbed the bag.

He embraced me in a hug. 

Rosie called out his name.

He quickly let go and I awkwardly stood there.

when her eyes landed on me she smirked.

"Hey guys, nice seeing you here." she wrapped her arm around his back side hugging him.

I would say the same thing except the feeling isn't mutual.

she staring up at him puckering her lips expecting a kiss.

Which she does get, except he swerves her and kisses her cheek.

I retain a laugh. I may look constipated on the outside but I dont care because I just saw her get curved by her own boyfriend.

And that's pretty funny.


Hey guissssse

So I've been inactive because you seeeeee I kind of hibernated this whole winter and I was pretty much too lazy to do anything. Hope you had a good new years, wish all the best to you guys this year and I hope I'm more active this year.

Enjoy <3

Don't forget to comment and vote.

Thank youuuuu for 500 reads much love for you  guys :)))

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