Part 8

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Laura had forgotten about scanning the guys phones, so now was her chance. 

All the girls took their blankets over to the guys house.

The girls hadn't went over to the guys house before so they were pretty excited to see what their house would be like. 

Laura pressed the white little circle next the the door.

No later than a second jack opened up.

"Hey guys, come in" he smiled and stepped aside.

"Thanks." the girls said as they walked in one by one, admiring the whole view.

It was pretty similar to theirs, except they had more of a wider living room

"take a seat." jack offered. The girls smiled and they sat down.

"guys the girls are here!!" jack yelled.

foot steps were heard coming down stairs.

"coming!" they all yelled back.

They rushed in and sat down. 

"so what movie do you guys want to watch?" Jonah asked clicking on Netflix.

"Scary!!" Joselin blurted out.

"Nuhhh uh, I dont do scary movies."  Laura said hugging her blanket.

"How bout comedy?" Daniel asked.

"I'm ok with that." she smiled.

"How about we take a vote because I want to watch a scary one." Corbyn suggested.

Laura glared at him while he smirked at her.

"all those in favor of a scary movie, raise your hand." everyone raised their hand except Laura and Daniel.

"Okay that is not possibly fair." Laura argued.

"We out numbered you, but don't worry I'll sit next to you that way you won't be scared." Corbyn said smirking.

"What makes you think I want you sitting next to me?" Laura arched an eyebrow.

"Well don't you want a strong man sitting next to you, to protect you?" he kept his smirk.

"Well yeah but unfortunately there's no strong man here, so I guess I'll have to settle for you." the guys started laughing doing the 'tssssss' sounds and 'uuu's.

"Ouch" Corbyn touched his chest, pretending to be hurt.

He sat next to her.

"Corbyn before you get too comfortable remember, we have a rule." Zach looked at Corbyn who just rolled his eyes.

The girls were confused, Corbyn reached into his jean pocket and took out his phone, placing it on the counter.

"Oh so you guys may think we're weird, but we have this rule 'no phones when we're watching a movie." he eyed the girls, the girls seemed fine with it.

laura thought it was very convenient, her job was going to be easier than she thought.

"oh no, that's not weird, we'll do it too." Lanny placed her phone on the counter, and so did the rest of the girls.

"Alright well, we'll go bring the snacks you guys could just get comfortable while we bring them." 

"oh I mean we can help too." Joselin said.

"yeah ruby added."

"oh you dont have to-" Daniel was interrupted, "trust me we want to." jasmin stood up.

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