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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
   1:05 ───⊙─────── 3:35

You sighed, exhausted of energy.
It's Friday. Try not to feel so low; Recalling false thoughts of motivation, you straightened out your white apron skirt atop the mustard yellow dress, and pushed the double doors open, walking out of the kitchen into the beloved cafe you so gratefully worked at.

  "Oh, Miss!" Yet another unfamiliar voice immediately called for you before you even got to take a breath.

  Quickly grabbing your beaten down notepad from your convenient side pocket, your eyes scanned around before you made your way over to the lady holding up her hand, indicating for service to take her order.

  She was sitting at a two person, rounded wooden table in front of a window with somebody else, though you hadn't paid attention to them as of yet.
The lady had short chestnut curly hair that was neatly put back into a low bun, and she wore expensive glasses, rimmed with gold, that framed her round face and upon her small wrist was a matching watch that looked to cost anything beyond your salary.

  For some odd reason, the moment you laid eyes on her, you couldn't help but stare as everything your parents told you about looking at strangers became a blur in your brain; trying to identify her to understand why she looked so unknowingly familiar to you.

  "I'd like just a simple coffee, two sugars," she specified with her two fingers, "and my son-" she indicated at the figure - from your peripheral vision - across the table, however, she was cut off.
"Give me a caramel macchiato." A voice butted in blatantly.

  Their orders echoed in the background and left your brain immediately as the only thing on your mind was; Who is she? Have I seen her somewhere before? I feel like I know her, it's right there...

There was an awkward silence and the lady was glaring at you in confusion as you simply stood there, holding the last of an A2 notebook in your hands, lost in your own world as if God had just cancelled your action.
Coming back to reality in a thankful 3 seconds, you shook your head, feeling hot with embarrassment. "S-sorry, could you repeat that?"

"Shouldn't you have been listening?"

  You glanced to the source of the deeper, drastically stern voice and was surprised at his classy look for an ordinary café; he wore a black suit upon a plain fitted shirt, complemented by a navy blue tie which was spotted with white. A gold broach sat upon the chest pocket of his blazer, shining with rich pride.
His face, however, you weren't able to decipher as his head hung low - hidden by his blonde silky hair - concentrated on his phone screen; which seemed to display angry messages with a contact named...Ji Eun?
What? You couldn't help but peek if it's right in front of you for show?

Arranged | P.JM FF Where stories live. Discover now