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Shit. I forgot to ask him the way out.
How the hell do I get out now?
"Send the applications to me right away"

You swivelled round, intrigued by the mysterious voice that was so clear, and confused was an understatement.

"And don't-" he stopped straight, finally taking notice of your staring eyes."Hello?" His eyebrows furrowed and he leaned his body directly facing you, suspecting of you, while the woman behind him - who you surmised was his assistant - glanced between you and the man softly.

"I- Jimin?" You squinted your eyes.

  The man looked very similar to Jimin; the same eyebrows, dark eyes, small nose, plump soft lips, face shape, and even the fact that he was wearing a suit.
The only clear difference was their hair; instead of fair hair, he had a dark hair tone, almost ink black.

  In a way, you could describe him as the devil's side of Jimin, with the black hair and suit and all, while Jimin seemed angelic, with the blonde hair and grey waistcoat and suit he chose to wear today.

  "Jimin?" He questioned, treading closer to you, inspecting you with his every step. "No. My name is Park JiHyun. Who are you?"
Though still unfamiliar to the name, you apologised hastily, "Oh, sorry" You bowed politely "my name is Y/n and-"

  "Wait..Y/n?" He cut you off, "Aren't you getting married to my brother-"
"Park Jimin?" you two said in unison - him more as a statement while you more a question. "Wait..You're Jimin's brother?"

  "Yup" he flashed you a sweet, chubby-cheeked smile, oh so similar to Jimin's. "I remember you from our childhood. Why don't we have a chat and maybe catch up, hm?" now only standing an arm's length away from you he put his arm around your shoulder and took you with him across the building.

You returned the smile.

  "S-sir?" The assistant's voice peeped. "The documents?"
He turned his head back, not moving his arm off of you, "Seems like I have a little date here." He grinned down at you, "I'll make time for them later", with a careless swoosh of his hand he walked with you elsewhere.


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          ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
1:05 ───⊙─────── 3:35

  He had led you to what you suspected was the cafeteria, judging by all the food around.
You were currently sat at a square wooden table, as opposed to a booth or oval table for multiple people, so it could be just you two.
You looked around the place, observing all the friendly business people. Since there were actually quite a few people around, you speculated everybody got to eat whenever they felt like it. You almost wanted to work here suddenly, but remembered why you didn't in the first place.
The cafeteria was very high class and was spotless. In fact this whole place was the very definition of luxury and expensive.
At the back wall was a buffet table, protected by a sheet of glass. There was even a vending machine - and not just for soft drinks. There was even one for ready made meals, like ramen or pasta.
You had all the time to get a good look at the cafeteria as JiHyun went to get a coffee for the both of you, leaving you to your thoughts.

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