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His eyes fluttered open, slowly but surely adjusting to the early, golden sun that trailed a light ray to the opposite wall. The sound of birds chirping melodically and the soft breathing of the one in his arms made him almost fall back to sleep.

  He let out a gentle, silent groan and shifted to face the alarm clock on his bedside table behind him.
6:52, the robotic numbers read. You two were supposed to be up in 8 minutes, but instead of dazing back off to sleep, he decided to start your day off extra early too.

  Holding your bare body closer to him, he whispered into your ear, "Y/n..wake up" but it came out as more of a husky, raspy murmur.
Surprisingly, a disturbed groan responded.
Jimin chuckled sweetly to himself, trailing his hand down your arm to entwine your fingers together "Wake up, honey" he now leant down, pecking gently at your exposed neck, making you finally give in.

  Sighing, you turned around with a straight face so you could see a grinning - and somehow not groggy - Jimin.

"Why?" You asked rhetorically with narrowed eyes at him, speaking with clear annoyance.
Again, he chuckled, "I wanted to hear your voice first thing in the morning" he pulled you closer to him, up against his bare chest.
"You couldn't wait," you paused, straining to see the alarm clock behind Jimin, "6 minutes?"
"Nope. And plus, I thought we could maybe," his index finger lingered down your body slowly under the bedsheets, making you shiver "continue from last night" he looked about your adorably shy face with a smirk.

  Grabbing his sneaky hand, you looked him in the eyes, "The fact that you even have strength after what happened amazes me"
"Hmm, I'm a strong man" he proudly huffed.
"I'll say" you muttered.

  "We actually need to go over today's plan"
"Ah, because of the meeting" you recalled.
"Mh hmm, so, let's discuss it over breakfast" He suggested, taking the covers off to grab a nearby robe due to crisp morning temperature - and also because there would be nothing covering what was under the robe - and went to go brush his teeth.

  "Hey waitt, I wanna cuddle" you whined.
"Oh so now you want me" was the last thing he playfully said before shutting the door to your shared bathroom.


"Thank you" you smiled at the waiter who placed your plate of fresh, hot food down. Being too tired - and a little lazy - from yesterday, you proposed to eat breakfast outside.

  "Oh this looks amazing" you cheered, gleaming down at the neatly arrayed food.

  The corner of Jimins lips turned up "If you're done crushing on the food," you gave him a look, "we can talk about the meeting we have today" he joked.
"This food may be better looking than you, so watch it. And yeah, what's the meeting about"
"As if that plate is better looking than me," he scoffed and you raised your eyebrows, shrugging as a motion of uncertainty.

  "Ok" he chuckled, "so about a week ago, I reached out to this child vitamin company because they asked to be signed off with their old supporter - being that they were involved in some sort of scandal. So, I gave them an offer to come and work for us, and they were pending until yesterday. At the meeting, we're going to discuss everything that entails working for us so we can officially call them a client."
You swallowed your food, "Are they a big company?"
"Very big. They're the leading child's vitamin company in Korea., which is why this is an amazing opportunity for us. I just hope I won't let our fathers down"

  "Hey," you reached over the table, placing your hand atop his that rested on the table, not having taken a bite of his food yet, "there's no way you'll let them down. You're an amazing worker and boss, and I know you'll land these clients"
"Thank you, Y/n"
You grinned, "so the meetings at 1 right"
"Yup. On the dot"
"Got it" you winked and he chuckled.

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