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After calming down with a warm and quick individual shower in your hotel room, you and Jimin headed downstairs just in time for dinner.

"So, what do you plan on doing tomorrow?" Jimin asked, taking a sip of his water.
"Maybe just relaxing." You shrugged, your tone soft and unbothered.
"Relaxing? Do you know where we are?" He scoffed a laugh in attempt to add a little humour to your odd change in mood.
"I know...it's just, I guess, I want to wait for you" you mumbled slowly, looking down while pushing your food around the plate with your spoon.

Jimin smiled sympathetically, "You know I have work. I don't want you to stay in the hotel room all day when you can explore so many places here on your own"
"Yeah." You responded quick as if you weren't even listening to him, and spooned more rice into your mouth, still not looking at Jimin.

Jimin bit the inside of his cheek, knowing how you were feeling right now.
Ever since he was a kid, his dad never had time for him. He was just so busy every hour, every minute, every second of the day with running his business. Even when he came home from 9 hours of work, 6 days a week (8 hours in the 7th day), he'd give him and his brother a simple ruffle of their hair and upturned lip before their mother demanded him to sleep because he needs rest. So, their father sank into bed, exhausted as the two boys played with their toys their he bought for them.
Little Jimin always wondered if his dad even cared about him; he felt neglected and lonely, even though he knew he shouldn't've felt that way.

Though, as he grew up working in the family business, he faced the same tiring work, day after day as his dad did and he began to understand the state his father was in every time he would come home, and how it really felt to make someone feel so isolated with just a sympathetic smile.

There's nothing in the world Jimin wanted to do right now than spend time with you and admire your adorable smile, your laugh, your charisma, but of course, he couldn't.
Jimin sighed, and continued eating, trying not to let his empathy take over his responsibilities.


You were mostly silent, only humming and muttering a small 'no' or 'I don't know' every now and then Jimin tried to bring up a conversation.

If he didn't care, he would've just given up by now, and you knew that. But you weren't in the mood to show any emotion, least to say speak to him.
It really bothered you that you were here in this 5 star hotel, able to do so many things, but they turned out to be so much more precious and fun with Jimin.
And, admittedly, you were still bummed about the kiss that was ceased before it could even begin.

"How about going to the golf course?" Jimin beamed.
"Why not?"
"Don't know"

Taking a breath in, Jimin rolled his eyes, frustrated.

The elevator stopped smoothly and opened its doors, allowing you to pass out and you walked alone to your room, Jimin following behind you.

Stopping with your arms crossed gently across your chest, you waited patiently as Jimin pulled out the hotel keycard from his pocket and opened the door, giving way for you to go first, and he next.
Closing the door he turned back and sighed as you were nowhere to be seen in the living room, but he heard the bathroom door shut and lock, knowing you were already getting changed to go to bed.

After getting changed you dragged yourself into bed, and Jimin was again, working at his desk in his button up shirt with his tie out of the way, placed on on what was supposed to be his pillow.
Turning away from Jimin, you were confused to see a burnt orange tie on the other pillow that was always cold. You pushed off the covers, picked up the tie and went over to Jimins desk, placing it on there and went back to bed without a word.

Arranged | P.JM FF Where stories live. Discover now