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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
1:05 ───⊙─────── 3:35

  You sighed a breath of relief, feeling at ease as you're at work - a sentence you never thought you'd hear yourself say - not likely to see that Jimin boy at all today.
After what happened at that wedding dress shop - you tried, but failed to forget it - you felt your heart pump faster and faster at even just the mention of his name. With him out of sight today you felt no tension in the air whatsoever.

"Hey" Someone called out and ordered for you as opposed to asking politely with a simple 'Miss' as you're supposed to.
You once again retrieved your notebook, only glancing once at their hand in mid air and headed over to them, peering down at your uniform, wiping off a bit of pesky lint that was there.
At the table, bringing your head up, you were horrified at who it was.

  "What the hell are you doing here?!" You almost yelled, but remembered the other customers sitting peacefully at their tables around you, so it came out as more of a vigorous hiss.
"Can't I just have a coffee in peace?" He smirked.
"I-" you groaned shortly, unsure of how to respond which only turned his smug feeling up a notch. "What are you doing here? I was hoping I wasn't going to see you today" you tried salvaging by bringing him down.
"Well, that's a little harsh isn't it, baby?" He cocked his head to the side innocently and pouted his lips, looking up at you with doe eyes.

  You sighed, turning away from that puppy look you could've almost given in to.
"Jimin, aren't you supposed to be at work or something?"
"I took time off to see you. I need to talk to you" He said, leaning his arm up to rest it on the back of the chair, making him look every bit more masculine and intimidating
"Though all my appreciation goes to you taking time off work" You elaborated the sarcastic tone in your voice, "just to talk to me, I can't. My boss hates me" From the reminder mention of your boss, you nervously checked around for any telltale coworkers or worse, the big guy.

  "If he sees me slacking off, making time for YOU, I'll no doubt get fired" you pointed your index finger at him.
He lifted his head up to look at you.

  "I'm more important" he scoffed.
He really does have a big ego.
You eyebrows creased and your lips turned into a frustrated smirk, "I'm sorry, but my job comes before you on my list."
He gasped over dramatically.
"How could your future husband come after your job?" He raised his hand to his eye, as if wiping a tear away.
He's self-centered and extra. Great.
"Are you done?" You raised an eyebrow, unamused.
He chuckled. "Lighten up"

  "Um, excuse me?"
Someone else called for you, his annoyed tone was probably because of how long Jimin was taking with his 'order'.
"I have to go" you exhaled and turned on your heels.
"Y/n, wait-"


  It was 4 pm now.
Just one more hour to go.
After talking to Jimin, and after taking that persons order, you were rushing around, trying to satisfy customers as today was unusually busy.

Arranged | P.JM FF Where stories live. Discover now