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  You were welcomed with the aroma of food when you came home, earning a confused look from your mother towards you.
You shrugged carelessly and travelled to the kitchen where she followed you, wondering who was making food at this time in the night; especially after your mum left food for your siblings.

  "Liz?" Your mother asked, seeing your sister in front of the stove.
You took a seat on your large kitchen dining table, huffing while lazily resting your head upon your open palm.

  "Oh," she jumped lightly, "why are you back so early it's only 6.30?" She replied, concentrated on stirring the contents in the pan that was on the stove, which you suspected was soup from the tomato smell.
"Y/n had a headache and she wanted to come home."
"Aha. Loser" she teased.

Thinking that she couldn't see you, you stuck your tongue out at her, making a face.
"I know your sticking your tongue out at me y/n" she laughed, her back still facing you. You stopped what you were doing, impressed for a second, but later rolled your eyes.

"Liz, why are you cooking? I left you food to eat" your mum placed down her purse on the kitchen table, shortly followed by heading over to Liz to see what she was cooking.

"Yeah and Mark ate it all" she scoffed.
"I left enough for the both of you. He ate it all?!"
"Yup. Which is why I grounded that dumbass" she said proudly.
"You are a horrible sister, Liz" your mother hit your sisters' shoulder playfully.
She smiled sheepishly and shrugged her shoulders.

"Ok, your father and I are heading upstairs to get some sleep. Don't do anything stupid. Goodnight"
You found it funny how she said 'don't do anything stupid' to her adult children staying peacefully at home in the kitchen.

"Night mum" you and Liz didn't bother saying goodnight to your dad seeing as he was already upstairs and probably already in bed.
Now it was just you and Liz in the kitchen.
You heard the click of the stove turning off, and Liz took the seat next to you, scraping the chair against the floor.

"Alright. Tell me"
She was that kind of sister who knew something was up just by one look at you.
Or, maybe you were just a bit obvious.

You took a deep breath out.
"I don't want to marry this guy. He's a jerk and I don't like him."
"You can't keep saying that. 'I don't want to marry this guy'" she air quoted with her fingers, mocking your voice "you've already set the deal that you are going to marry him"
"I know, I know. It's just.." you contemplated whether you should tell Liz what really struck your bad side today.
"It's just?..." she urged you to continue.

"We were in the car together driving to the restaurant and he said something that actually kind of hurt me. I asked him why he didn't hate this as much as I do, I mean..all the flirting doesn't really scream I don't want to marry you." She nodded "And he said why would you think I don't hate this, maybe even more than you..I'm only marrying you because you're my best bet. And nothing more" you recited his exact words with your voice unstable of the thought. "Can we really not get out of this situation?" You groaned.
"Well...I probably shouldn't be telling you this but.." Liz sucked in her lips.

You waiting in anticipation, leaning forward in your chair.
"You can't divorce, well you can but you'd have to wait a year. There is an alternate way: you can have your marriage annulled."
Your eyebrows pushed together, "What the hell does that mean?"
"Ugh, how are you even 22 years old. It's basically a divorce. Except with annulment, you don't have to wait a year. You can have your marriage annulled at any time, even after the wedding."
"Hell to the yes! I'm saved!" You celebrated, almost jumping up from your seat from such happiness.
"Wait wait, slow down there. You can only have your marriage annulled under certain conditions"
You moaned in frustration.

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