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Jimins pov:

  When is this going to end? God this is so boring, I should've just called in sick

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When is this going to end? God this is so boring, I should've just called in sick.
I dragged my fingers across a small portion of the assignment paper infront of me, wondering about random things, anything to occupy myself from falling into the abyss of endless boredom, and that's when she popped into my mind.
I haven't spoken to Y/n all day.
I wonder what she's doing right now.
A light smile appeared on my face.
Remember when we were picking out the flowers, and she bent down to smell one..she's so ador-

"Park Jimin."
My head shot up, interrupted out of my daze to see my father, as well as my other coworkers all staring at me from each of their seats at the table.

"Yes?" I finally forced myself to speak up.
"Are you listening?" My father glared me down.
"Yes. I am" I lied, confidently thinking I'd get away with it.
"Good. If you were listening, why don't you expand on the idea we just presented?" My father challenged.

I frowned.
I at cursed myself at how I could forget how sneaky my father could be.
Everyone's eyes were on me, waiting patiently. And JiHyun - that bastard - smiling smugly, humoured by my humiliation.

"Uhm" I cleared my throat, "I-"
I hesitated, feeling a few beads of sweat trickle along the tip of my nose as my face burned up immediately.

"Wasn't listening yes." My father continued a few awkwardly quiet moments later.
I pursed my lips, staring down, feeling like an idiot in front of all my co-workers I see everyday.
"Pay attention, Jimin. This is crucial"
"I know. My apologies"


I was exiting the meeting room when I felt a hand slap down onto my shoulder playfully. Though I definitely didn't take it playfully.

"Haha, pay attention Jimin. This is crucial." His voice recalled my fathers lecture, taunting me.
Of course it was him.

"The only time you talk to me today, and it's to mock me" I snarled through gritted teeth, head tilting in the slightest back to JiHyun.
He laughed. "Take a joke big bro"

Deep breaths. Don't kill him.

I started lumbering, trying to get away from JiHyun before I was about to explode. However, I heard the hurried steps of shoes clicking against the tiled floor, catching up with me.

"So, how's your fiancée?"
He mirrored me as I stopped dead.

"She's fine" I simply replied.
"Have you spoken to her at all today?" He raised an eyebrow.
I turned round, facing him directly.

"It's not your place to be asking those type of questions" I said, more as a way to get rid of him, but also because Y/n wasn't a topic I wanted to discuss with him; after his 'date' with my fiancée, trying to swoon her and push me out of the circle, I haven't taking a liking to him even more than usual.

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