- Final - 41

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The morning sun pouring in through the uncovered window, indicating it was morning - as if the birds twittering excitably outside didn't show that already - caused Jimin's to force his eyes open. He was barely squinting as he tried to get used to the new, bright light and groaned, letting his arm slip off the small, warm body it was holding onto.
While rubbing at his heavy eyes a soft, sleepy moan sounded followed by shuffling of sheets.
Jimin halted, taking a look over to his side and smiled at the sight of you; positioned to now lie on your back, the covers had fallen down to the curve of your waist, covering your bare body below as you were still wearing a bra atop. Jimin's eyes slowly followed up to your neck that was adorned with multiple hickeys that had turned dark overnight and his lips upturned higher, more smug. He recalled last night with ease, remembering it so vividly; your gentle hands on his body, the harmony of pants filling the room, the feeling of finally being inside of you, fulfilling both your needs.
Not wanting to wake you up and instead stay in bed like this a little longer with you in his arms while the birds called to one another in the background and the sun slithered its way into the room, he was about to fall asleep again and cuddled back into you, but as he rested his hand back upon your body you jolted slightly, opening your eyes with the same struggle as he did.

"Oh, hey.." Jimin chuckled, surprised by your sudden awake. His tone was soft and apologetic for unintentionally waking you up.
"Good morning" You muttered in a groggy voice, getting used to the light.
God, that raspy morning voice of hers is so damn attractive, I could please her right no-
"How long have you been awake for?" you asked a dazed Jimin as you lay on your side to face him directly. How in the world does he look so perfect even when he's just woken up? It's sorcery, I'm sure of it.
"Hm, I don't know"
Jimin spoke you out of your silent stare at him and you noticed his eyes were open with no signs of wanting to close again, "Mh, seems to me you've been awake for a while." You grinned, tracing your fingertips from his cheekbone to his shoulder, "Were you watching me?" those gentle hands sneaked down his biceps, squeezing momentarily and you watched in pleasure as his cheeks turned immediately pink and he licked his lips. "Maybe, maybe not"
"Creep" You joked, giggling as he joined in with you.
"Creep?" He repeated in disbelief, "I think you have better names for me than 'creep'" ironically his fingers creeped under the covers from laying on your stomach down to- well, you know where.
You grabbed both his hands, stopping them in their sinful deed and said, "Bro," to which he chuckled at that, "I do not have the energy after last night, and especially in the morning"
"Was I that good?"
"Alright alright, think you're missing the point"
"I mean, I was going to go harder, but now since I see you cant handle it-" Jimin droned on with this self pride in his ability to give you amazing sex, and if anyone knew your husband like you did, you knew this was about to go on for a while.
"Ok, you know what," You started, getting up and throwing the covers off of you right into his face, "I'm going to get ready. You can lay here and keep tooting your own horn"
"Ok, ok I'm sorry" He laughed, revealing his face from under the sheet to see your robe wrap around the last of your bare body.

As you were heading to the bathroom, you stopped at the entrance and turned your back, a realisation popping into your mind "What are we going to eat for breakfast?"
"Mh..pancakes" Jimin prolonged the word, falling back into the bed dreamily and you scrunched your eyebrows.
"We don't have any food"
"Oh" His face fell in a disappointed pout and you chuckled.
"Wanna go out to eat and later go shopping"
'Why dont we just shop now?" He asked, and as if on cue, his stomach grumbled rather loudly.
"Thats why" You pointed, grinning.
"Okay, fine"


After running on lattes bought at a connecting coffee bar, you and Jimin had finished your shopping excursion and were now putting all of the food in kitchen. It was refreshing to go outside and walk around, getting to know the place more and the type of food they sell. There was a local market outside from which you achieved some fresh fruit. The place was crowded and humid, but the sweet and pungent aroma from all the fruits surrounding you made the trip worthwhile. Today was the right day to go shopping as you and Jimin had planned to make dinner at home tonight as it had been a while since you two had cooked together and you also didn't want to constantly eat outside, even if it is your honeymoon.

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