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"Are you nervous?"
"Psssht, no" A flat out lie, obvious by the crack in your voice and clearing of your throat.
"Hey, look at me," Jimin turned his body to face you, moving your chin gently to look at him, "you're gonna do fine. I'll be with you the whole day"
You took a breath in, "Ok. I'm ready"


  Your heels clicked in your ears against the floor with every step you took behind Jimin. When you entered, a few times, people looked at you and proceeded to whisper to their workmates, confusion and curiosity plastered on their faces. This made you uncomfortable, and even more on edge than you already were.
You just took a deep breath, clutched your bag even tighter, and continued walking.

  "Is she new?"
"Even if she is, why is she going with Mr Park?" Were the last hushed sentences you managed to pick up before you were led into the familiar hallway leading to Jimins office.
"You okay?" Jimin turned to you once again as his keys fit into the lock of the door and you nodded in response, though still unsure.

  "Ok. Come on in" he said, pushing the door for you, allowing you to enter first and view his clean, spacious office again.
You stood in the middle of the room, staring around as Jimin had shut the door and made his way to his desk.

  He chuckled, "I remember the first time you were here"
"W-what?" You stuttered, interrupted from your daze.
"Do you recall, "ahem, let's get an annulment. U-under the reason of-"
"OkAY!" You quickly said, raising your eyebrows in bitter humour before he finished that sentence.
He laughed once more and told you to sit down opposite him, and you did.

  "Hey, what did you do with that paper anyway?" You asked, straightening out your skirt.
"Oh, don't worry, I shredded it up" he swatted his hand.
"You did? When?"
"Just before we left for the business trip"
"How come?" You eyed him, sceptical, as your 'relationship' had not bloomed before that business trip.

  "Well, first off, I hadn't signed it. And secondly, we would have needed to fill in the nullify petition together, and make negotiations over the money. Since we didn't say anything about the annulment after that day, and since I had..started to..ahem..like you, I figured we should shred it up because it was a meaningless document" he shrugged, a nervous smile on his face.

  The corner of your brow was raised in hilarity at this rare but cute shy side of Jimin "You're adorable"

  "Hey, I'm your boss. You don't call me adorable," he pointed strictly, offended.
"Actually, speaking of boss, let's go over some ground rules," he cleared his throat, "Number 1, you don't call me Jimin, Jiminie or pabo. You call me Mr Park"
"Mr Park?" you questioned.
"Yes, Y/n, what is it?" He joked.
You narrowed your eyes playfully at him.

"Number 2," he continued with that sly smirk slowly taking off from face, "you can come into my office whenever you like. We're going to get you an Id soon anyway so that the guards will let you in without trouble"
"Yeah, the guys that always stand outside"
"Hm" you hummed in response, recalling the shady, mute men always protecting the higher class workers.

  "Ok, now that we've covered all the basics, let me tell you your first task for today"
"My first task? But, I don't even know my way around here at all" you scoffed a chuckle.
"Oh yeah, well, my first task today is to give you a tour!" He stood up excitedly.
You chuckled, "on your command tour leader"


"And this is the catering area" Jimins arm pointed out to the large - large being an understatement - area where many tables and chairs were arranged neatly and people sat, occupying almost all of them.

Arranged | P.JM FF Where stories live. Discover now