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  His knuckles were turning pale, almost chalk white as they gripped the steering wheel harshly with hands at 10 and 2.
His large arm muscles were bulging with rage out of his blazer. His jaw was clenched tight and his facial expression never changed.

"So, Jinho gave you that pin?"

  You didn't say anything, couldn't bring yourself to speak up, afraid of this side of Jimin you have never seen before - I mean, you'd seen him angry, just not this bad.
He looked intimidating, made your spine chill but somehow he still managed to look masculinely sultry.

  "Answer me."
You were so lost in your thoughts but when Jimin's subdued bass sounding voice snapped, your breath hitched and you shook your head ever so lightly.

  "Uh..y-yeah" you peeped, expecting him to say something in return, but nothing.

  The silence was tormenting.
There wasn't even any music to break the tension. Just the sound of tires against the tarmac road and peoples laughter outside, muffled by the closed windows.

  A few times you had opened your mouth to try and continue conversation, or ask him 'are you okay' - when clearly he looks like he's about ready to murder someone - but dreaded something wrong coming out of your mouth that would push Jimin even further to the edge of exploding - so you kept quiet.


  "We're here" He stated, taking the keys out vigorously, his tone still sharp, still a few octaves lower like the lowest string on a guitar.

  His car door sounded loudly causing a momentary shock in you.
He travelled round the front of the car and you watched him, his beautiful, angered side profile and the way that he spiritually looked to be a lion with the way he walked.

  Before you could even pick your hand up from your lap to the handle, Jimin was already standing at your door.
Opening it - with a surprising amount of calmness - you slowly got out and moved out of the way so that he slammed it shut.

  He turned to you, straight-faced.

  Entering the hotel was awkward.
Not awkward in the sense of weird, but in the sense of embarrassing, rather flustering.

  Jimin made sure to keep you by his side, held his arm around your waist.
People didn't think anything odd of your interaction, yet they did pay attention to Jimin's daunting expression, and a couple of times, he would grip harder at your waist, making you wince with surprise. He kept his hand on you from when you stepped foot into the hotel, to when you entered your hotel room.

  "You should go and change. I'll wait here" Jimin instructed, heading over to the kitchen, supposedly getting a glass of water to calm his tempered nerves.

  "Ok" you slowly responded, and was about to head into the bedroom, but halted when a phone rang.

  It wasn't yours, your phone was on silent anyway. Jimin pulled out his, read the name and looked up to you, "Excuse me"
You smiled with pursed lips as an alternate response to 'yeah sure go ahead' and he walked back out of your hotel room, going to answer the call in the corridor.

  "Hello?" You heard Jimin say before he shut the door with a prominent click and buzz.

  "Ah, Jimin, how are you?"
"I'm fine, dad. Why'd you call?" Jimin crossed his arm.
"I wanted to see how the dinner went. Was it all good?" He asked.
"Yeah, it was fine. We talked a bit and..yeah" he trailed off.

  "And yeah? What do you mean?"
"I don't know dad, ok? What else do you want me to tell you, every single thing that was said at the dinner?" Jimin snapped unexpectedly.
He hesitated, "Did you just snap at me?" Mr Park questioned with disbelief and a tinge of anger.
Jimin sighed, "No- yes, I'm sorry okay"
"What's wrong with you? What happened?"
"Nothing wrong, I just-"

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