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Jimin opened the passenger door to his car, and you obediently sat inside, not saying a word.
Shit shit shit. Why didn't I ask dad to drop me to work.
I didn't think very far into my plan.

Jimin took his seat in the driver's place, snapping you out of your thoughts when he slammed the door shut.
You flinched slightly, shoulders jolting up, head shooting to the source of the sound when the little knob next to all the windows fell down, making a locked sound as it did.
A small, yet barely visible smirk was on Jimin's face from your anxious - what he also found - adorable, reaction.

The engine sounded and Jimin didn't hesitate further to start reversing the car. His arm rested on the back of your chair as he peered back, and your heart couldn't help but pick up the beat. So to distract yourself, you kept your head down, staring at how clean the floor of his car is.
Actually, his car is really tidy. Though you felt somewhat critical to admit, you thought he would be messy, uncaring and all over the place, when in fact he seemed to be the complete opposite.
Natural light took place of the yellow parking lot lighting and you were welcomed with the bright morning sky to make you squint your eyes harshly.

Jimin turned his head to see your hands covering your eyes because of the light. The arch of his left brow rose up and he realised it was the shining sun directly on you. After taking a quick glance back at the road, he reached to your side and pulled down the sun visor for you blocking any more light from hurting your eyes.

The light suddenly became a shadow, disappeared and you lifted your head to see Jimin had helped you.
A light tut came from you as you struggled to speak up.


He hummed in response, which made you regret saying anything at all to get such a shallow reply.

"Radio?" Jimin asked indirectly without notice.
"Do you want to listen to the radio?"
"Uh..Yeah sure"

He fiddled with a few buttons from the control panel between your seats and on turned the radio.
A soft, relaxing song came on, very contradicting to the tense, awkward aura.
You sat there, twiddling your thumbs, staring down at your lap, just knowing he was going to say something again; he wouldn't leave the topic undiscussed.

And he didn't.

"Look," he started, still looking straight ahead, taking a deep sigh "JiHyun, is my annoying little brother. And to keep this short, you shouldn't hang around him."
"Why not?" you asked, almost coming out as a scoff that he thinks he has the position to tell you what to do.

"It's just that he's not the best influence. He's a troublemaker. Listen to me, he is."
"How- Yeah sure he is" you interrupted the leading question, not in the exact mood to have some sort of argument.

"Good," he said, "Anyways, on another note," he took a break in, "I have some news for you"

Your turned your head to him as he drove.
He looked so concentrated, attractive even when he was driving; his left hand gripped the top of the steering wheel, a few veins prominently showing while his right hand laid motionless on his thigh.
You don't know why, but seeing a guy drive with just one hand was so hot to you.

"We have to go look at some wedding interior" he simply said.
"You, I and our mothers are going to look at some flowers for our wedding" he repeated in the exact same tone.
"Well, I mean we are going to still have a marriage aren't we?"
"But, why so early? I thought we picked out the dress and we were done"
He scoffed in disbelief.
"Do you even know what a wedding is? There's so much more to weddings than a dress. Trust me, we're going to be going to plenty more stores in preparation. And my parents are doing this all early because they want to get the best of everything"
"And the best of everything is going to all disappear in 3 months?"
"I don't know either. If you want to keep questioning it, go to my mother, or yours in fact"

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