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Day 5/5 - Wedding day

"Good morning~"
The pair of muscular arms around your waist only tightened as you jumped, afraid. You looked up into the mirror, spotting saw a fuzzy-haired Jimin with his head tilted to stare at your - what you thought - horrid morning complexion.
Jimin always made sure to counteract that however; telling you you looked gorgeous, maybe even more with the fact that you weren't dowsed in any makeup of the sort. He adored your natural beauty, and hoped to one day inflict that on you. Every time he complimented you, it made your heart flutter like a kid who had just arrived in Disney land.

"You scared me" you said as he lent you the towel on the golden hoop, allowing you to dry your dipping face as you were washing it when Jimin had creeped up on you.
"Sorry, couldn't help it" you felt him shrug against you.

A light sigh escaped your lips, "I almost couldn't help waking you up" his hands stayed stuck on your waist and there was only an inch distance between you two.
"I wish you had. Today is the day" you felt his lips upturn on your bare shoulder uncovered by him unintentionally pulling down your shirt as he held you.
You briefly paused, looking at his reflection in the mirror as he locked eyes with you, "It is; and I can't believe it. I'm going to finally be marrying the Park Jimin. And, I would've woken you up with a good morning kiss," You teased, turning around to face him directly, "but your snoring self would say otherwise".
He flashed a humoured smile. God, that smile really does make your day - even if it has only just begun.
"Well, I'm not snoring now..am I?" He smirked, and before he could act and lean in to kiss you, you blocked his lips with your pointer finger. His eyes opened, eyebrows furrowed.
"But no kiss. Not with morning breath" you clarified with a sly smile.
"Fine" he sighed, letting go of you. But as you made your way out of the bathroom, he quickly took your arm, pulled you back into him and showered your cheeks with kisses. You fought lightly with him to get him off, and when he had calmed down, he chuckled, "you didn't specify where"
A fair blush tinted your cheeks.
"Shush, now get ready so that we can get ready later for today" you nudged him on the arm and turned your back to him, walking out with an uncontrollable smile on your and his face as he watched you go.


"Are you ready?" Your fingers lingered on the curtain which separated you from the bridesmaids and mothers.
"Yes! Cmonn" the chorus of impatient people started. Unsurprisingly, you could hear your and Jimins's mothers voices distinctly louder than everyone else's.

Exhaling, you pushed aside the curtain, allowing yourself to come into central view for everyone. A flustered smile played at your lips as you gazed around at all the similar reactions; mouth either agape or covered with hands, speechless and eyes widened - some teary.

"Oh my goodness..." your mother had gasped, a hand on her chest while the other was on her trembling lips. "Y/n.." she trailed off, unable to comprehend the sight of her grown up daughter before her.
"You look absolutely gorgeous" Mrs Park let out a sweet laugh, finishing off your mothers sentence for her, "The dress, the makeup, the hair- its all perfect!"
"Are you sure?" You asked doubtfully, as you hadn't actually seen your own reflection yet.
"One hundred and ten percent" Your sister spoke up from beside your mother, who held her arms out for you.
"Y/n..oh come here" her eyes began to water and you immediately went into her embrace, chuckling softly at her unnecessary yet heartwarming tears.
"You look so beautiful, I can't believe my baby is getting married today.." she sniffed and you pulled back, hearing a familiar male voice.
"Y/m/n (Your mothers name), I told you not to cry" Your dad came in, wearing his allocated suit, and behind him followed JiHyun, as well as your brother Mark.
"Shut up" Your mother playfully hit your dad.
"Theres no need to cry, this is a joyous occasion", He now faced you, probably about to ask for your agreement, however found himself inevitably about to give into crying also when he saw you all ready. His bold grin and raised eyebrows fell into an expression of fatherly adoration.

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