Wait, What !

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  • Dedicated to Bob Marley R.I.P


"Common Lia! He's already started," Cameron called from in front of me while squeezing her way through the crowded. "Coming!" I yelled over the music from behind as I followed.

I finally caught up to her and we slowly moved side to side Waving our phone in the air along with the Reggae rhythm.

"One Love, (hear the children crying) One heart,

Lets get together and feel alright"

Probably like two hours later. "Brb Cam," I told Cameron, "K," she replied and I was on my way. "Sorry!" I yelled over the music when I realized I bumped into someone, "It's Okay Cutie," he said with the big smile. "My name is Jacob but they call me Princeton," "And my name is Got To Go," I said smirking and walking away.

"Wait Up Cutie!" He yelled over the music whilst catching up with me. (They always have to come chasing) "Yes!?" I asked impatiently "Wait, you don't know who I am?" he asked staring at me in disbelief. "Sorry No should I?" "No No, it's fine

'Got To Go' But can I get your number Cutie?" he asked smiling, while waiting for my answer which he probably thought I would just give up it up without question. "Why do you want my number?" I asked teasingly. "I-uh-am, " he said pausing each time. "Here," I said grabbing a purple Gel ink pen out of my purse, then I wrote my name and number on his arm and then walking off. I turned around only to find him totally checking me out.

Finally I reached the bathroom... After getting back to Cameron I told her about the encounter with this Jacob guy while Bob performed "Redemption songs" and she seemed really interested specially how I described his outfit (Black jeans, a Bob Marley shirt [that looked bigger than the size shirt he should wear], Black High Tops, Pandora Charm bracelets and his curly afro and how it was everywhere) and how he was checking out my outfit (Black Crop Top that showed my tanned abs and that spells Bob Marley in Red, Yellow and Green Block letters across my chest, my Black Skinny jeans, Black Flats and my Two Golden Heart lockets.)

It was around 12 in the morning and the concert just ended and as always I enjoyed it. Cameron and I had VIP passes so we went back stage and saw Bob. "Aaliyah how have you been? I haven't seen you since you flew to Jamaica for Reggae Sumfest last year in July," he said greeting us both with a hug. Cameron's mouth dropped from the unexpected hug causing me to giggled because of her expression and because she didn't know that I knew him. "Bob this is Cameron my bestfriend," I said introducing the two "Oh! this is the one you told me about," he said with a smile. "You told him about me?" she whispered in my ear. "Of course!" I told her while Bob talked to his agent, "Your the Best Lia! " She said with the biggest smile, "Duh! I know that," I told her with a smart attitude.

As she continued to laugh I asked Bob for a picture and of course he said yes. We both went beside him and I took the picture with my iPhone. I thanked him for the tickets and we said our goodbyes and then left.

"OMFG Lia why didn't you tell me you new Bob Marley?" she asked me whilst staring at me like she just won a million bucks. "I wanted it to be a surprise," I told her while we got into my Little Red Suzuki, Swift and then I drove off.

"Your too much," she told me "I know," I replied with a smile. After I dropped her off at her house I got to mine. I unlocked the door of our two story house and I made my way to the light coming from the living room after dropping my handbag by the staircase. "I'm Home," I told my dad, "Hey Sweetie, how was the concert, did you see Bob again?" he asked laying down on the couch in front of the Television. "Of course, it was great, Cameron loved it," I said while posting the pic of me,Cameron and Bob on instagram hashtaging (#UsAndBobby,#Fun #BobMarley and @Its_Cameron)

then instantly getting a 1000 likes the first two were Cameron and Jaden's then like right after I got a

IM From: Jaden Smith

J-Hey Lia why wasn't I invited :( , it looked like fun and you know I like Bob Marley

A- Sorry Jay but you are in Japan with your family

J- I could have flown down early but Its cool next time though k see you tomorrow

A- K Night

"Aaliyah, Aaliyah, Aaliyah," My dad called repeatedly. " Oh! sorry dad what were you saying?" I asked. "I got a job offer in California and were going to move there on Wednesday," "Cool, Goodnight." I said then made my way to my room until I fully processed what he said, "WAIT, WHAT! MOVING TO CALIFORNIA THAT'S UP STATE DAD THATS FAR AND WHAT ABOUT MY FRIEND'S, SCHOOL. WHAT ABOUT CAMERON DAD WE CAN'T MOVE!" I yelled.

"Honey we have to it's a Great job, I think it might be the best job offer I've ever gotten," He said excitedly with the brightest smile on his face that I haven't seen since my mom died 2 years ago. It was hard to get over but I know she's always with me in my Heart so after I realized it I felt better knowing she's in a better place. But my DAD on the other hand doesn't get it. He's been depressed ever since she died and he only got happy on occasions like this. I feel really bad for him because I know he's suffering without her and I just wish one day I'd get the opportunity where I can prove it to him so he can just accept it and move on.

Calming down I finally spoke again, "I guess I really don't have a choice do I," "No," He said hugging me in appreciation that I was okay with moving. "Hey but look at the bright side Cameron is coming too," He said surprising me totally. "What! Really! Thanks daddy," "Anything for you Kiddo,"

"Night," "Night"

I again made my way to my room picking up my handbag and walking up the stairs. I entered my room more tried than when I got home; I went to rest my head on my pillow for a little then I would go and take a shower but when my head hit that pillow it was lights out.

...I woke up to the Annoying sound of my alarm clock (BEEP ! BEEP ! BEEP !) As I swung my legs over the edge of my twin size bed, memories of last night flooded my head,(The concert, Jacob, California). Ahhh I pushed myself off my bed and stormed into the bathroom doing all my hygiene essentials and curled my Dark Brown Hair. "Girl I'm in love with you baby and I want you to know, that I'm hooked on your body and I'm trying to be yours. Now she definition of fine." Was what The Dream ft Ludacris sang through my phone indicating that it was ringing.

"Heyyo girly," I answered knowing who it was because of her ringtone. "Ahhhhhhhhhh, Why didn't you tell me!" she screamed through the phone forcing me to remove it from my ear before I became deaf. "First Calm The Fuck Down! Second tell you what?" I question. "That we're moving to fucking California in two Fucking days!" "Oh Shit, you know already, my dad told me last night," "Mom told me this morning," she said excitedly. "Well I guess you know now but we have to break the news to Jaden and the crew, I'll tell him to meet us at The SkyZone and then we can go to the skate park." "Sounds good, meet you there," "K, Bye," "Bye"

After our conversation, I text Jaden and he was in and so was Willow; Then I text the rest off the crew. I quickly put on my outfit (Black MISFITrep Tee, White shorts, Black and White Vans and Gold stods.) Then hopping downstairs for breakfast. "Morning Dad," "Good Morning Hun," he said handing me Bacon and eggs right off the oven. "Thanks dad," I said as I ate the last of my breakfast. "I'm gone," I yelled as I exited the house and drove to The SkyZone.


Hey guy please vote its not much but it would mean a lot. Yes this is 2014 and Yes for all my Bob Marley Fans I know he's not alive RIP BOB but I just love his music so I just had to make him apart of this story 'ONE LOVE' oh and I'm going to be mixing everything up from when they actually happened so don't be mad when one recent Channing Tatum movies comes before the older ones . BTW I'm not a really good writer but I have good ideas, No One's Perfect, so. btw I didn't edit so sorry for any mistakes.

Stay Mindless4Eva.



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