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7th grade , when everyone was 12 and didn't even know how to ask a girl out right .

I was in math , my strongest subject , it was your average Monday where everyone was groaning and complaining about having to wake up at 6 am just to go to one place for 8 hours . I didn't really mind though , I liked getting out of the house with every chance I got .

Today I heard we were getting a new student ! and it's a boy ! My best friend Emily sat infront of me , I sat in the way back and there were two empty seats next to me , it was a small class although it would get really loud in there sometimes .

Knock knock

The teacher got up and opened the door letting the principal in , there wasn't a student with him though which was odd .

" hello everyone , today your class is receiving a new student and you all must be nice to him " he looked out the door and gestured , what I'm assuming , the new kid to come in .

Then walked in a boy , about 5'4 , green / hazel eyes , dark brown hair with highlights slicked back . He look gorgeous , the teacher told him to take a seat anywhere he liked and he chose to sit next to me , I fell special . He looked over at me and smiled , of course I shot him one back .


The bell ran and it was time for lunch , I was walking down the hall and to my locker from science , when I got there , someone tapped me on the shoulder . I turned to see that it was the new kid !

" hey do you think I could sit with you ? " I looked at him and smiled .

" yea sure " he nodded and I finished putting my stuff away .

We walked to the table and Emily was already there , she cocked a brow at me .

" Emily , this is ... " I looked at him and he looked back at me .

" oh yea uh I'm Joseph but call me joey " he looked back at me and saw down .

" so , what school did you come from ? "

" I came from Florida "

" oh man that's really far " he nodded .


Lunch ended and now I was in last period , that's when joey walked in .

" sorry sir , I'm new and I kinda got lost " he looked down scratching the back of his neck , his face started getting red .

" haha loser " yelled Jordan from the back of the class . Joey looked down in embarrassment .

" god leave him alone Jordan , he's new " I shot him a death glare

" who said you could talk four eyes " he snorted . Ew .

" alright that's enough " mr porter said

" Joseph , you can take a seat where ever you'd like " Of course he sat down next to me .

We had a test today that took almost all period but it was pretty easy , I could tell joey was having trouble so I showed him my paper so he could get the answers . I finished and turned it in just in time , the bell rang .

I grabbed my backpack and started walking out the door when joey caught up with me . He asked if we could walk home together and I said yes , duh . We both lived on patron street so it wasn't too far , it only took like 10 minutes to get there walking . I asked all sorts of questions about himself and he asked about me , and then we finally reached my house .

" this is my stop " I smiled at him .

" really !! " he jaw dropped a little .

" yea why ? " I laughed .

" I live across the street , let's walk to school tomorrow ? "

" Yea ! "

" okay I'll see you tomorrow ... ? "

" oh right ! My name is Callie " I smiled at him . He walked closer to me and gave me a hug .

" see you tomorrow then ! " he paused and started thinking .

" see ya jo " I waved and walked into the house .

That's how it happen , I had my first crush .
Hi I edited this completely because I didn't like the way I had it so yea .

I luv u ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now