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" Callie , I'm really sorry about everything and I'm sorry about everything I've ever caused you . Please forgive me ? "

Ugh . This is the last thing I need right now . I didn't want anything to do with him but he gets to me and I hate that aswell . There's something about him that I just love so much .

* joesph are you serious ? Texting me at 1am just to tell me your sorry for something you didn't even do ?

^ wait I'm so confused are you mad

* no joey .

Joey is typing...

* joey I mean no I'm not mad , yes I'll forgive you omg

^ oops 

* I'll see you at school loser

^ (;

Ew .

I put my phone on the charger and my laptop back in it's case and drifted off to sleep .


I woke up to my alarm on my phone , I turned it off and hesitantly got out of bed . I walked to my closet and picked out some high waisted light blue shorts and a plain white shirt with lines going across in the middle only . I went to the bathroom and put on some light make up aka foundation and I filled in my eyebrows and curled my eyelashes . I put my hair into braids

( top photo )

and put on my glasses and some clear lip gloss . I went to my room put on my thrasher hoddie and some black vans with roses on the side . I grabbed my phone , went downstairs , ate a fast breakfast , grabbed my checkered backpack and headed out the door . As I was walking to school I notice someone across the street from me , I look over to see it was joey . And he was coming towards me . Haha greattttt .

" hey Callie " He said with his perfect smile .

" sup jo "

" so you're still coming over tomorrow right ? That way I can let my mom know so she can make extra dinner "

" of course , anything so I can see soph again "

" she's not the only birlem meanie "

I chuckled

" you're so cute when you laugh "

" yea very cliche "

" I mean it "

I looked at him like ' stfu already ' so he did . We walked the rest of the way to school .

I wasn't very popular , joey was though and because of that everyone had always frowned upon our relationship . I never knew nor cared as to why , Joey made me happy , but he always shows me what a broken heart feels like . Ugh feelings .

We got to school and everyone was starting at us so we gave each other a quick hug and went our separate ways because we both hated the attention . Joey went with chad and Brandon

( why is chad so underrated it hurts my heart smh )

and I went with Emily and Lilly .

" Callie what are you doing with...him !? "

" oh my god Lilly hush ! "

" we're just friends guys chill "

" you said that last time so shut the fuck up " I laughed because of how true it was .


8th period , yesss , Today we were doing a hands on thingy with Oreos about the moon . It was so easy and since I was the first to finish I got the extra Oreos . Joey didn't seem to understand it and mr. said I could help people so I went over there to help him .

" you're obviously having a hard time "

" how'd you know ? "

" that "

I pointed to a crumbled up cookie he had in a pile next to his paper .

" oops " He said laughing . I handed him another Oreo from the extras and helped him .

" joey no it's supposed to be in the opposite direction of the ones you have on this side "

" oh "

" like this "

We both reached for the cookie at the same time and my hand Laying on top of his , Shit , I looked into his beautiful green eyes and remembered why I even fell for him all over again . I snapped out of it and moved my hand away , looking at him and started fixing the cookie after he pulled his away . All he did was stare at me the whole time , freaking weirdo .

The bell rang and we walked to 9th period together . Of course joey sat with brit , I hated her , We used to be bestfriends until she became HoLlYwOoD and ditched me for the " popular " kids . Whatever , I have Emily and Lilly and they're all I could ask for .
The teacher began to explain how we have a project and yadayada it was due in 2 weeks or something like that and we were paired randomly with someone in the class .

" Brittney & Josh "

" Max & Madison "

" Alexa & Melissa "

" Lilly & Emily "

They squealed , I don't know them I swear .

" Joey & Callie "

I looked at joey and he was already looking at me , He winked and Brittney slapped his shoulder . I looked at her and she was glaring at me , What the fuck is her problem ? I rolled my eyes and looked at joey , all he did was laugh , she whispered something in his ear and he looked at her so quickly . He was getting mad at her , and I could hear was :

" Don't say anything about her again because you're not any better "

Oh wow . I was just looking at everything that was going down , Then she turned to look at me and rolled her eyes , I had it , She's been doing this since the beginning of the the year if she has a problem I can fix it . Thank fully the teacher had left the room to go print some stuff out , That usually takes a while , I stood up and walked over to her . I was shaking because of how angry I was .

" what are you looking at "

" nothing "

" oh really ? Cause I could clearly see you giving me your little faces from across the room "

" there's nothing much to be looking at "

" what the fuck is your problem ? "

" you , you're my problem "

" well then why don't I fix it " 

I luv u ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now