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Biology was a good way to start off the year. Victor and I grew closer than ever before, now that he could freely tell me everything now that I knew. My other friends were jealous of our relationship. I knew that most of them have had a crush on Victor over the years, but he had never shown any interest in them except with me. I think that was because we are best friends and spent a lot of time together. Many of them now asked if we were dating and I didn't know how to respond. Yes we are close but is our relationship romantic now that we know everything about each other? I don't know.

School went well as it usually did with several first years trying to hit on me. Every other guy in the school had already tried hitting on me and knew hitting on me didn't work. I don't know why it happened to me more than anyone else, it was strange. I knew that I was attractive with slight figure, long blonde hair, a soft jaw line, round cheeks and blue eyes. Whenever I went somewhere new I always seemed to get a lot of attention from the opposite sex. I would normally hear how jealous the other girls at school were of me whenever I walked by. Sometimes it was too much.

Victor has been the only guy that hasn't hit on me at all or maybe he has and I haven't noticed. Victor was a loner at the start of high school, but soon enough we were friends after the first week.

"Why do you go to school if you have been around so long?" I asked him on the way out the school gates.

"I needed to keep a low profile and pretending to be a teenager may not have been the best option but, if I was to get a job somewhere in town they wouldn't want me. It's mostly because they know of the supernatural lurking around Mystic Falls not too far from here." He replied.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow, Vic." I fare welled as I walked myself home. I know it was dangerous since there were other supernatural creatures in Daxon. I managed to convince Victor not to walk me home every day. My house wasn't far from school anyway.

I lived with my dad in a quaint cottage that was just big enough for the both of us. Mum disappeared when I was seven. The police couldn't find her nor could the private investigators. She simply vanished from the face of the earth with little trace of her being here, except me.

When I got home and started to get dinner ready. Dad poked his head out of his study from the smell of roasting vegetables.

"Hey there Delilah, what's cooking for tea?" He pushed his spectacles back up the bridge of his nose.

"Roast beef and veg." I replied.

"Listen, I have something to tell you that I have been holding off for some time now. Your mother left something for you and I now I was supposed to give it to you when you turned fifteen, but I realize now that I should have given it to you then." He creased his brow and put a envelope on the kitchen counter.

I washed my hands and took the envelope into my hands. It had my name on the front in mum's handwriting.

Dear Delilah,

If you are reading this it means that I'm long gone, but it doesn't mean that you will never see me again. I want to say I love you and miss the both of you. This is not the only reason I have written this letter for you. If you're reading this is it means one of two things; you inherited my side of the families' genes or you have children now and they inherited the gene. Whatever option it is I hope for you, sweetheart that you live life to the fullest while you can. If it is you and your father gave this to you that means you are a Nymph.

A woodland Nymph, you would have noticed that boys pay a lot more attention to you than to anyone else. That you feel you need to be with someone, but a fair warning I must add before we go any further. Do not under any circumstances get caught up in the other supernatural. If you get turned by a vampire and I know this may sound insane but please keep reading. Turning into a vampire will destroy your link to the Nymph ancestral line; it will take away your humanity. It will physically injure your soul beyond repair; the will of Nymph blood in you will take over and will be the only will acted on. I strong recommend that you stay away from all vampires no matter what.

When you get older you will find that you can bend the will of men and many other powers will arise, but there is danger in using that power. You could drive men insane or enslave them to your will for the rest of their lives. You're immortal and one day you will find your way to me where it will seem like I haven't aged a day since the last time I held you in my arms. When you get this instinct to find me you will cross worlds into a place where our kind roams free.

If I could I would be there with you now to show you the ropes but I can't. Your blood is my blood and I hope you keep it safe and be safe. I love you so much sweetie, my only wish is to see you again. I do hope you get longer than I did.

Lots of love,


My eyes welled up with tears as I read the end of her letter. I believed her if I hadn't already found out about the supernatural I would have thought she was insane. I realized that men paid a bit more attention than they should to her even the ones that were faithfully married to adoring wives.

"I know it is a lot to process right now, but it is all true. Every single word of it." Dad was sincere.

"I know, I found out that the supernatural existed about a month ago, but I never thought that I would be a part of it." I sobbed.

"What? You already know. How?" Dad looked concerned.

"It's nothing. My friend from school is a werewolf." I lied for the first time to my dad. Mum must have told him everything and that meant he would forbid me to see Victor again.

"You can't let them know anything. If the wrong people find out what you are they will hunt you down and use you until they get what they want. Understand?" I nodded. "Under no circumstances are you to reveal what you are to anyone." He said sternly and waited for me to reply.

"Yes, I won't tell them." Although I could feel deep down that it was a lie, knowing that I wanted to tell Victor. Our relationship couldn't be any more complicated right now.

While we had dinner dad told me more about what I was. I listened because it seemed to be vitally important in the tone he spoke in. When I said I was retiring for bed. I sneaked out to see Victor. It was late but I had to see him.

The lights were still on in his house when I got there. I knocked on the door and when he opened it I flung my arms around him which caught him off guard.

"Why are you here so late? It's dangerous, De. Are you alright?" His face was creased with worry.

"I don't know who I am anymore and just when I was coming to a decision another thing comes up and destroys it entirely without any choice at all." I cried.

"I'm sure you'll be fine."

"I won't and I don't think I ever will be, Vic. I love you but I can never be with you." I breathed through the pain of letting him go. I knew it was rash, but I didn't want to become humanity-less. It was the right thing to do even though it hurt me so much to do so.

I saw something in him broke as tears flowed down his chiselled cheeks. "I love you, Delilah and whatever it is we can work it out. I know we can." He begged.

"We can't," I sobbed and with that I kissed his forehead and left without saying goodbye.

He was so stunned that he didn't even try to stop me as I began to run home.

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