part 4:Gerard's pov

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After I grabbed Lex and shoved her into the room she said,"Dude what the heck?!" I held her hands and said,"I got another mission, but I can not do it alone." She looked confused and said,"Honey demons are immortal and very powerful. What is the mission?" I sighed and then said,"he wants me to hurt Mikey. My brother." She sighed and said,"look I have not had a family for fifteen years so I don't remember what it is like to have a family like that, but I do understand that that is messed up. Did he tell you why?" I shook my head and she said,"You are lucky we are only like a mile away." As she walked to the bus driver and told him to go back. I hate Mikey but I can't hurt him. But if I want to keep protecting my family, I have to. I walked to the beds and looked at Blair and Bloodrayne as they slept. They are so adorable.
       We pulled up to the house and Lex hugged me as I stepped out of the bus. This is so messed up. I levitated up to Mikey's bedroom window and noticed that he was googling how to kill a demon. I quietly opened the window and snuck in as Mikey was blasting iron maiden on his headphones. I picked him up and covered his mouth as I dropped him on the ground in our backyard.
    I left the yard,looking back at my brother with a broken arm. It was his left hand too. At least I didn't break his right arm,that is his good hand. The worst that is gonna happen is he won't be able to play bass for a while.
     I walked back to the bus when I heard Lex scream. I ran to the bus and the door was locked. I beat down the door to see Frank holding a gun at Lex's head and Em and Andy were probably hiding the babies. "Oh look. It is Gerard Arthur Way. The love of my life. And look who else is here? Some little girl he replaced me with. I heard you two are married now. I would hate for that to change,my dear. So, you can take me back or she gets it." Frank said with the craziest smile he has ever had on that face. Lex was crying profusely and then all of a sudden,she winked. She was acting. He didn't know we were demons. If he shoots her it will go right through her. Going along with the plan, I said,"You know I have always missed you,Frank. I was practically forced to marry Lex." I said as I tried not to laugh and I saw Lex trying not to laugh either."Well honey, why don't I kill her and we just carry on from where we left?" Frank said as I smiled and said,"go ahead." He smiled and as he cocked the gun, I formed flames from my fingertips. He pulled the trigger and his face immediately turned into a terrified expression. "WHAT THE HECK GERARD?! DID YOU MARRY A FRICKING GHOST?!" He exclaimed. "Nope. I actually married the one and only love of my life. I am so devoted to her that I sacrifice my life everyday practically." I said slowly walking over to him. I held him in a headlock and continued," What you don't understand,Frank,is that everyone on this bus,are demons." I said watching his pupils widen,"Yeah. My whole family is full of demons. With that said, I can't have you going around telling our family secrets. So you are going to have to take it to the grave. Goodbye,Frank Iero." I finished as me and Lex shot flames at him, burning him until he was nothing but ashes. We took the broom and swept him out of the door.
      I hugged Lex and we went to check on Em,Andy,and the kids. Lex told me they were in the bedroom. We walked in and the girls were crying, while Em was hugging them and Andy was holding a crying Andrew. Lex walked in and picked up the girls,kissing them saying,"It is ok my darlings, Mommy and Daddy are ok." I walked in and kissed them while Andy and Em were trying to calm down Andrew.

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