part 6: Gerard's pov

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      Me and Gerard ran to Em and Andy and we made a plan. We all hurried to the cafe and Andy stood at the front of the cafe. Em stood at the left and Gerard stood at the right. Finally, I walked to the back. There was Mikey holding a gun and my two crying daughters. "Nice to see you here Mrs.Iliketothrowpeopleonroofs" Mikey snarked. I laughed and said "Nice to see you too Mikes." He cocked the gun and asked,"Where is the money?" I walked up and pulled an envelope out of my leather Jacket. He opened the envelope and right as he did I snatched his gun away from him. I snatched the girls and Gerard ran behind Mikey, Holding him down. I gave Bloodrayne to Em and gave Blair to Andy and then ran back to see Mikey on top of Gerard, choking him. My eyes turned red and I started to levitate. I shot Mikey and he fell off.
       I shot him several more times until he stopped squirming. I picked up Gerard and flew to Em and Andy. We all flew back to our mansion when we saw Frank at the door. He smiled as we flew toward him. "What the heck..." Andy said as Frank ran toward me and hugged me. "OMG I LOVE BLACK NORWOOD!" He screamed as I was confused. "Frank?" I said as he gasped and said,"You know my name!" I scoffed and said "well you tried to kill me." His expression fell and he said,"I would never! Wait..." The boy backed up and said,"That was one of my clones. I will explain but first I need you to know that I would never hurt you." I stood  there for a minute and said,"Come in." As Em and Andy looked at me like I was high.

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