Part 2: Gerard's pov

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     I woke up with Blair in my arms and Lex was gone and Bloodrayne was next to me. I set Blair down next to Bloodrayne. I rounded the corner to see Lex dressed in her stage clothes and tuning her guitar sitting by the table. We were already in a state next to New Jersey so it did not take long to get here. This is my home town too. I went into the little kitchen we had to work with,and made some coffee."Lex do you want some?" I asked her. "No thanks it is bad for my voice before I sing." She replied. "Hey Gee I want to do something today. I want you, the kids,and Em and Andy and Andrew to come on stage. We have protective ear muff things for the kids. I just want to show the crowd my peeps." I laughed and said,"Okay I guess we could do that. I miss being on stage anyway." She sat there for a minute then replied,"well join my band. All you need to do is sing with me. And Black Veil Brides broke up so we can get Em and Andy to play guitar too. And your bro plays bass. If he says no then I can play bass since we already will have two guitarists. I already know how. Come on think about it. It is hard to be in a band alone." I thought for a minute. It would give us more money. We have money,but it would make life just that much easier. And I do miss being on stage."Sure. When should we start doing that?" I replied."After this tour. We only have like two more states to visit." Lex said as she played a short riff. I nodded and sipped on my coffee. As I sipped my coffee I heard Blair cry. Lex face palmed and said,"sorry I shouldn't have done that my bad. I will go check on her." She set her guitar down carefully and ran to her bed. Moments later she came out with Blair on one arm and Bloodrayne on the other. "Gerard we got a code 2 and a code 3." She said as she handed me Bloodrayne. I already knew what that meant. Me and her made codes for the kids.
     Code 2 meant "diaper" so I changed Bloodrayne's diaper. Code 3 meant "bottle" so Lex was making two bottles. Shortly after,Em and Andy walked out with Andrew on Andy's arm. "Lex next time don't do a guitar riff while the babies are sleeping. And while the adults get a nap too." Em said."Sorry guys I was tuning it. I woke up our girls too." Lex said testing out the bottles. She walked over to me and fed Blair while I fed Bloodrayne.
    Lex walked onstage playing a dramatic guitar riff as she did. "Hello New Jersey!" She yelled as the crowd screamed at the top of their lungs. "This one goes out to the teen moms who woke up the whole house while tuning their guitar and now her whole family is backstage hating her." She said before playing her first song.
     She played a delicate soft melody before singing the words I recognised  so much.
"So long to all my friends,
Everyone of them met tradgic ends,
With every passing day,
I'd be lying if I didn't say,
That I miss them all tonight.."
   Then she waved us onstage so first I walked out with Blair on one arm and giving Bloodrayne on my shoulders. Then Andy and Em walked onstage with Andrew in Em's arms. The crowd went wild as they recognized us.
    A couple minutes later Lex finished the song and said,"So I can see you all recognize my family." The crowd went wild. "Well this is my husband,Gerard Way, who is holding our two beautiful baby girls," she said as she picked up Blair and continued,"Blair Way and Bloodrayne Way." Then she held Blair up like they were in the lion king and sang the song in the lion king as someone in the crowd did an elephant noise. We all laughed and Lex walked over to Andy and Em and said,"And this is my other half,Em Biersack, and her family. This is her husband,Andy Biersack, And their handsome little son,Andrew Biersack." The crowd screamed and cheered. "Now if you don't know,everybody on this stage has been in a band. Not the children, but my husband was in My Chemical Romance,Em and Andy were in Black Veil Brides,and I was a bit slow to make my band,Black Norwood. Now many of you have listened to My Chem,Black Veil Brides,and Black Norwood, but I have an announcement that everyone needs to hear. After this tour, every adult on this stage will be in Black Norwood! So you will see these beautiful faces pretty darn soon!"She yelled as the crowd screamed. "Alright well I gotta sing some more so scadaddle haha." She laughed as Em punched her in the arm. She handed me Blair and we all waved and got off stage. When I was up there it was so hard to resist shaking my hips around like I used to. But I will do it again soon.
Two hours later...
      "Alright well thank you New Jersey! I will miss you all! Now I gotta go and write some songs for the upcoming improved Black Norwood! Buhbye behbehs!" She said shaking her hips and playing a dramatic guitar riff as she waltzed off stage. She took off her guitar and made silly faces at the girls as they took off her headset. She picked up Bloodrayne and walked onto the bus. She took off her blazer and played one of My Chem's old songs on her guitar. She was playing Demolition Lovers. I walked in and she started singing the words. She did not see me. At one point I hugged her waist and continued from where she stopped. "A liquor store or two keeps the gas tank full and I feel like there's nothing left to do,but prove myself to you," when she sang,"And we'll keep it running!" With me and we harmonized. I kissed her forehead and she said,"while we are down in our hometown again do you want to see your family? We could even stop at our old houses and the first house we ever bought and lived in. You know,since we moved to LA and live there now." I thought about it and said,"well we do need to ask Mikey to be our bassist. Sure." I miss the first house we ever bought. Ever since Lex's career took off we moved to LA and we now live in a huge mansion. I love being in LA but I want to just look at our hometown. We got the driver to drive us at the old house, and then we stopped by Lex's old house. She cried because her childhood house was just rotting and barely there anymore.She never really stayed there so it was in terrible condition but I can understand that. Then we rounded the corner to Em's old house. We all stopped and went inside looking around. We all smiled at how pristine the place stayed. Then we stopped my my house. I knocked on the door and Mikey opened the door and hugged me and his nieces. Then my mom came and hugged me,her daughter in law,and her Grandchildren. We all walked inside and Lex and the girls stayed in the living room so that my mom could spend time with the girls and just talk. I went into Mikey's room and he slammed the door.
   "I am still not completely over how you turned yourself into a demon just for her! She is a girl! She does not mean your life!She is not worth it Gerard!" He yelled. I was stunned and then slapped him and said,"You don't tell me what to do you brat! I am the one who has his life together and actually was able to find someone he loves! I am the one who has a family! I am married to her! And you can't control my life! I love her and I love my girls and there is no way you can stop that! Now we are gonna leave thus house and you will never see my family again!" I said before punching him again and walking out. And as I was about to walk into the living room, Mikey tackled me.
     "GET OFF YOU FRICKING BRAT!" I yelled. I got up and he was on my back. I slammed him into the wall and got on top of him."USE YOUR HEAD! SHE AIN'T WORTH IT!" he yelled as I punched him several times. With each punch I yelled,"YES.SHE.IS.SHE.IS.MY.WIFE." I did this until he was unconscious. I got up and walked into the living room and saw Lex with tears streaming down her face and my mom sitting next to her,patting her back. Lex never cries. I felt terrible.

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