part 14: backstories

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"I love you. I don't think you understand that. I love you so much. I would do anything for you. You mean the world to me. You are my world. The thing that keeps me going. But if only you could see that. But you never will." I tried explaining to her,tears rolling down my face.
"Too bad, it is too late. You know what you did. I hope you learn your lesson, Gerard." She said slamming the door.
She was all I had.
She was all I wanted.
She was all I ever loved.
She's the one that I need,
I am the one that she loathes.
    I was always a normal kid, then this happened.
I ran all the way home and crawled into my bed, not coming out for six days."Gerard? Gerard! We need to talk!" Mikey would yell through the door. Usually I would talk to him and I would let him in, but I can't. I can't move. I can't speak. "Gerard are you ok?" He would ask again. No answer.
"Gee?" I heard Frank say one day. I was shocked, but still had no motivation. It had been three months since the... incident. "I know what had happened wasn't exactly the greatest thing in the world, but we really need to talk. You have changed." He continued.Now Mikey and Frank were both yelling through the door to let them in, but I couldn't.
I could finally talk. "Stop it and leave me alone." I croaked. "You need to eat and stuff, Gerard." Mikey said. No. No I don't.Life is an interesting concept. Why are we here?
        Why don't I wanna be here? What is the point? Then I fell into a dark sleep.
Dark sleep.
     Then I woke up at 12 AM and snuck out. There is a party tonight and I am not missing it. Lots of alchohol. Lots of regrets.

       I was drinking my first beer when a girl came up to me. We talked for a while and I gave her my number. We talked for months.

        As long as I could remember, I was a loner. No family, no friends. Just me.
        Then one day she knocked on my door. "Hi, my name is Em, I just moved here. Wanna be friends?" She said cheerfully. "No." I said slamming the door in her face.
        But she never gave up. I saw her at school, and she followed me until I eventually gave up and hung out with her. She was actually pretty cool.
       We grew up together,but she would never sleep over and she was busy specifically at night. She didn't have parents either, so it wasn't like a curfew.
      So one day, I snuck into her house and waited for her to get home. I went into, what I thought was her bedroom. Boy was I wrong...
      It had guns,knifes,ammunition, all weapons. She had a wall just full of brass knuckles. And a wall full of pictures of people with red Xs over their faces.
       I looked at the room, terrified. "Why did you do it,Lex? I tried to protect you. From the truth..." Em said behind me."I wanted to know why you are so busy...I am so sorry...I-i-i-" I said, interrupted by Em,"Get out. Before these walls have a purpose." I ran out and locked my doors, now understanding,
    Em was in a gang.
    I tried to sleep, but barely did. I went to school the next day. Em didn't show up. I was eating lunch by myself when a group of kids who bullied me everyday came up to me and beat me until a teacher showed up.
      I died for ten minutes. Then the ambulance showed up and somehow saved me. I woke up in a hospital bed with wires hooked into my veins and the steady beating of my heart.
      Then a darkness appeared and made a trade with me.
      Then I became the Lex we all know.

     I was always a very friendly girl. But that changed when I was kidnapped. They gave me an offer. They were going to hold me hostage, but since I had no family, they offered for me to be in their gang, or I could die.
   We all know what I obviously chose. I tried my best to hide it from Lex. I protected her as much as I could. Whenever she was bullied, I helped her fight them off. One night, they kidnapped another little boy.
     His name was Andy. He had the same choice as me, he had no parents either. He chose to be in the gang. Me and him bonded. We became gang buddies, as we would say.
     I was out on a special trading mission, let's just say, and I handed the money to the leader. Then I went home. I heard a door open,and I hurried upstairs to see Lex standing in front of what I called my job.
     I hurried her out and skipped school the next day. We were only eleven, she couldn't get wrapped up in this! And then I heard she was put into the hospital. I forgot about defending her.
     I rushed to the hospital and saw Lex, but her hair was red and her eyes were pitch black.
     A secret we kept.
     My parents were out on a date, but they never returned. I lived alone. Then I was kidnapped and faced with an offer I couldn't refuse.
      Literally. The other option was to die.
      I lived alone still, but I had a friend in the gang, named Em.
    Then one day, me and Em found a Ouija board. We played with it and turned into demons. Classic, I know.
     Me and Em were seperated eventually, for five years. Then one day I robbed a gas station. The rest is history.

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