part 17: Lex's pov

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So give me a min to translate the french part in the comments and hope y'all enjoy

"Who made you?" I asked.
    "So, basically, I started to get really famous when you were just three years old. You were my world. You still are. I was going on tours, writing songs, going to band practice every day just to make sure everything sounded alright, and then I would come home to see my little Lexie. Your mom, her name was Lynx. She was quite a character. She was fun to be around and I loved her and she loved you. We were a great family. But then on October 30th, she got in a car crash and died. I was devastated. I had to raise you alone. My whole life went down hill. My manager told me that you were holding me back from my career, and I tried to protest, but he made me leave you and he basically took me from New Jersey to Los Angeles, and I never saw you again. I tried to find a way for years to find you, but my manager just kept ruining my plans. I am so sorry Lex." He said, crying.

      "So I did have a mom and I am your daughter, but your manager tore us apart?" I asked crying, Gerard hugging me to calm me down.

       "In a nut shell." My dad replied.

        "I need a minute, excuse me." I said as I gave Gerard the baby girl in my arms and ran out the door.

         I sat on the porch and started crying harder. My mom is dead. I will never get to meet her. She will never meet Gerard or Blair or Bloodrayne. My dad didn't even recognize me. I probably just worried Gerard,Em hates me right now, and I don't even know about Andy.

       God, I'm useless.

       "Lex?" Gerard said timidly, sitting down next to me and hugging me, kissing my forehead. "Are you okay sweetheart?"

      "No. My mom is dead. This is too overwhelming." I croaked.

      "It is ok, Lex. Your dad is alive, you have me,Blair,Bloodrayne,Andy,Em, you still have lots of people left that love you to death." He said, putting me in his lap.

      "Gerard?" I asked.

      "Yes sweetie?" He replied.

      " Make the pain go away. Somehow , someway, please make it all stop. Make me numb. Make it all disappear. Please. It hurts." I cried, looking in his eyes.

       "vos désirs sont des ordres, me reine." He replied, kissing me.



Okay so sorry that all of these chapters are Lex's pov but it just feels right in this case, ya know? We are only going to have a couple chapters left before this story ends, which makes me sad. This is a sequel to Keep Me Sane which was my first book on here, so this book is super sentimental. Sorry for all the sadness btw.             -Garbage

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