Ch.14 <3

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                    I woke up the next morning, the sun shining in through my cloudy apartment bedroom window. Images from last night came flooding back into my mind. That must have all been just an amazing dream. I thought to myself, feeling a pit of pain in my stomach, but then I felt someone holding my hand. Their fingers interlaced with mine. I looked over and saw Louis, peacefully sleeping beside me. I smiled and squeezed his hand. His bright, blue eyes fluttered open, and he turned onto his side, so he was facing me. He then took his free hand and gently stroked my cheek. “Good morning, beautiful.” He says smiling that breath taking smile of his. “Good morning handsome, ready to get up?” “Ready as I’ll ever be!” He says getting up out of bed. He then runs out of my room and down to the kitchen. Someone’s excited. I smile to myself before following him.

                 As I head downstairs, I see Ivy and Niall sitting on the sofa joking around and watching Austin Powers. Her feet were in his lap and his were on the coffee table. Louis looks at them and shoots me a smile and a wink. We both knew who the next new couple would be around here…”Would you like an English muffin?” I ask Louis as I dig for the ingredients in the fridge. “Yes, thanks love.” He says leaning against the island. “So, where’s Harry?” Louis asks Niall, who is playing with Ivy’s hair. “Oh, there was no room here, since Zayn took the couch, and… well he didn’t want to sleep on the floor, so he went over to Colbie’s place to crash on the sofa. “Yeah, the sofa…” Ivy says jokingly before rolling her eyes. We burst out laughing before Louis adds, “No one can resist the curly hair!!!!!!” At that very moment, Harry walks in through the front door. “What about curly hair?” He asks raising an eyebrow. We all laugh even harder now, not being able to breath. “Here Lou,” I say handing him his English muffin. “Thanks Love,” He says grabbing it and kissing me on the cheek. I sit down across from him at the table and eat my own English muffin. “Food” Bay and Niall asks, both of their heads popping up from the couch. “I want one!” Ivy screams. “I have to get ready for my appointment, I’m already running late. Make your own.” “You know I can’t cook,” She says sadly. “Well I think it’s time to learn.” I say jokingly before throwing away the paper plate I was using. “I’m going to go get in the shower, if you need to get ready, you can.” I say to Louis. “It’s okay, I just gotta throw my shirt back on and I’ll just run some dry shampoo through my hair.” He says smiling up at me. “I’ll be right back,” I say running my fingers through my hair and strutting to the bathroom. Finally, it felt like my life was complete again. Like everything was back to normal. I didn’t know whether Lou and I were officially back together or not yet, but I didn’t care. I have him back. I quickly hop out of the shower, the cold air hitting against my skin like a thousand knives. I quickly dry off and change into this ([polyvore]), wave my hair, and apply natural looking make-up. When I head up to my bedroom, I open the door, to see Louis getting dressed and throwing some dry shampoo in his hair. As he runs his fingers through his hair, I grab my purse. “Ready to go” I ask sitting down next to him on the bed. “Yup,” he says grabbing my hand and kissing my cheek.  --- As we walk into the hospital, the cold air conditioning sends chills through me. “Here love, do you want my hoodie” Louis asks shrugging it off. “Thanks,” I say taking it and slipping it on. As we make our way over to the receptionist desk, he grabs his hand in mine. I take the clip board and fill out the paper work, as we wait for Dr. Moore. After sitting there in the chilly waiting room for about twenty minutes, a nurse came to lead us to an ultrasound room.

                       (Louis’ POV) Lillian and I sat there in the ultrasound room, waiting for her Dr., Doctor Moore. I looked around to see that the shelves and walls were filled with pictures of fetuses. I can’t believe that that is what is in Lilly. It was almost alien-like. I looked at the three month one; it was so, so small. I walked up to one and was staring at it, when Dr. Moore walked in. He startled me, and I jumped back a foot. “Hello Lilly, how are you?” Dr. Moore asks her while grabbing a pair of rubber gloves and grabbing a container of blue gel. “I’ve been great,” She answers cheerfully and smiling at me. I was surprised that the Doctor didn’t ask me who I was or introduce himself to me, but whatever. The doctor leaned over, turning on a screen and grabbing the transducer. He squeezed the blue jelly on Lilly’s little bump and she shivered. It must be cold. Then what appeared on the screen, took my breath away. It was incredible. It was…. one of those moments that you can’t describe but that feeling... it’s something you know you will never ever forget. I was staring at the screen in awe, when the doctor turned to me and said, “Would you like to know the gender?” “Yes!” I say practically jumping up in joy. “Well… it seems you guys are having… a baby boy!” Dr. Moore says smiling. “YESSSS!!!!” I scream jumping and raising my fist in the air in joy. This is, the best day of my life. I’m going to have a son. I felt tears brim the corners of my eyes. And Lilly grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I could tell she was just as happy as I am. I kissed her softly on the lips. “Thank you so much,” I whisper to her. Again I’m so thankful that she’s strong. As soon as the doctor got the jelly off her stomach, we left the hospital and went out for ice cream to celebrate.

                      (Lilly’s POV) As Dr. Moore rubbed the transducer on my stomach, my eyes stayed glued to the screen. Being able to see your baby before it’s born is an incredible thing. It’s just something you can’t explain. Watching Louis in the ultrasound room was just… I can’t even explain it. He was so intrigued by the image of our baby that he couldn’t even talk. I was just smiling at Louis and then the Doctor asked if we wanted to know the gender. Louis beat me to it and screamed, “YESS!!” ““Well… it seems you guys are having… a baby boy!” That moment was probably the happiest moment of my life. I was going to have a little baby boy. I’ve always wanted to have a boy first, that way if I ever had a little girl, he could protect her. So I’m super ecstatic! I looked over to see Louis almost in tears. That’s how joyful he was. He then brought his soft, warm, inviting lips to mine and kissed me. “Thank you so much,” Louis whispers after he pulls away from the kiss. I sat there just stunned. I was so confused, but I didn't care. It felt like everything in my life was together again.

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