Ch.15 <3

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                         “Come on Lils, we’re getting ice cream to celebrate!” Lou screams grabbing my hand as I hop off the bed. We then walk out of the hospital, hand in hand. As we climb into the Range Rover, Louis asks “So, have any names in mind for our little boy?” “Hmm… I was thinking maybe Christian, or William,” “I like Tommy, Tommy is a good name,” Louis chimes in smiling over at me, hoping I like it too. “Tommy Tomlinson… I like it!” I say. Louis smiles big, grabs my face, turns me towards him and kisses me. “How about we use your choice of William for his middle name,” Louis says in almost a whisper, as he pulls away from the kiss. “Tommy William Tomlinson! I love it! It’s perfect,” I say as I rest my hand on my stomach. When we get to Mister Softee, I’m surprised that Louis still remembers my favourite. He paid for it and we took it to go. “Thanks for the ice cream Boo bear!” I coo. “You’re welcome, love.” He says as we make our way back to my car. We sit there for a few minutes in silence, just eating our ice cream, until Louis says, “We should probably tell my mum about Tommy soon.” “Yeah, we should. I’m afraid though, Lou.” I say looking down. “It will be okay, love. Don’t be scared.” He says lifting my chin up and making me look him in the eyes. “I’m afraid she will react how my mum did.” I say worriedly and biting my bottom lip. “My mum would never in a million years do that. I promise. She may be a little upset, but she’ll get over it.” He says calmly while stroking my cheek. “Okay,” I say starting the Range Rover and heading over to Louis’ house. I was so nervous that I felt sick. I felt like my stomach was flopping and I was shaking like a scared and lost puppy. I now regret never telling her, but I didn’t want Louis to know at first either. I really hope she can forgive me.

                           As I pull into the drive, I put the car in park and just sit there. I rest my head against the steering wheel and just quietly sit there, hoping that Johanna won’t be as mad as I’m thinking she will be. “Ready Love,” Louis asks opening the passenger door and making his way around to mine. He opens the door, and when I don’t unbuckle, he starts to stroke my hair. He started singing to try and make me calm down. He sang our song… Look After You, by The Fray. I started to smile and look over at him. When he finished, he kissed me. As he pulled away from the kiss he whispered, “Everything will be okay, I’ll look after you baby,” I smile big and get out of the car embracing him in a humungous hug. ”Ready love?” “Not really, but let’s go,” I say as he grabs my hand and interlaces our fingers as we make our way to the front porch. Louis walks in, with me following behind him. “The girls are at camp this week,’ He says as we make our way to the lounge. “Louis!" Johanna exclaims greeting him in a big hug. Gosh, I miss my mum. I hate that we never got along after dad passed away. “Lilly?” Johanna asks as she steps around Louis. She then embrace’s me in a huge hug. “I’ve missed you Lilly! The girls and I were heart broken when you never came around anymore.” When she said that, my heart dropped. I never did come and visit. I thought she’d say something about the baby bump by now, but I realized that since I was wearing Louis’ sweater it wasn’t as noticeable. When she stepped away from the hug though, she had a look of confusion and worry on her face. “Umm… mum there’s something Lilly and I have to tell you,” “Yeah, I think there is,” She says giving him a what in the bloody hell did you do stare. “Come, sit on the couch.” She says as she takes a seat across from us on the recliner. This was starting to scare me. It made me think of when kids were sent to the principal. “So, mum, I just found out yesterday… that umm… I’m going to be a dad.” Louis says and takes out the ultra sound photo. He handed it to Johanna, and she was speechless. She just sat there staring at the photo. “You knew for three months and didn’t tell me?” Johanna asks still in shock and disbelief. “I’m so,so, so sorry Johanna. I was in a bad position and my mum kicked me out of our flat…” “You could have come to me, Lilly. You know you are always welcome and I would have taken you in.” “I was scared. It was a week after Louis and I broke up and I didn’t want him to be mad or not believe me.” I say looking down at my hands. Louis, who had been holding my hand the whole time, gently squeezed it trying to comfort me. It wasn’t working though. I felt like I had disappointed her and I regretted not telling her. She then got up and sat next to me engulfing me in a hug. “I am still a little disappointed in you two, but there is nothing we can do about now. I’m going to support you guys and be here whenever you need me. And don’t EVER be afraid to ask me or tell me something.” She says. “Okay,” Louis and I say in unison. “So, I saw it’s a boy. Do you guys have any names?” She asks looking over at Louis and I. “His name is Tommy William Tomlinson.” Louis says proudly with a huge smile plastered on his face. “Awee, I love it. Little Tommy Tomlinson,” She says tears brimming her eyes. She hugs me again and a tear rolled down her cheek. I’m glad she forgave me and handled it better than my mum did.  I love Louis and his family so, so much.

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