Ch.18 <3

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                      I saw that I had a text from my cousin Sameena, it read, “Turn on E News… NOW!” Without hesitation, I grab the remote and turn on E NEWS. What I saw made me scared for my life. There it was, for everyone in the whole world to see, me and Louis walking, hand in hand, down the street, with my baby bump there and showing. I had a mini panic attack and felt my face turn a ghostly white, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. The next picture they showed was one of Louis with his hand on my baby bump. For a minute, I forgot how to breathe.

                     (Louis’ POV) As Lilly turned on E News, I saw what they were showing. My heart dropped and I started to panic. I looked at Lils and saw that she was just as scared. A million thoughts started racing through my mind all at once. One being, what in the bloody hell is Simon going to say when he found out? Would I be kicked out of One Direction, just because I was going to be a dad? What are the fans going to think and say? They don’t know that Lilly and I grew up together and have been dating for over three years! Oh this is not going to be good. Lils and I sat there for about ten minutes not saying anything, before my phone started to go off. I took the mobile out of my pocket and saw who was calling. It was Uncle Simon. Oh shit. “Excuse me ,Love,” I say as Lilly hops up off my lap. I answer the call and head out to the back porch. “Hello?” I say nervously and shutter. “Hello Louis, how have you been? Have you watched the news by any chance today?” Simon says in his you better be ready to deal with what you have done voice. “Ummm.. I’m just gonna say no,” I answer looking off into the distance. “Why didn’t you tell me, Louis?” He asks seriously. “I just found out,” I choke out. “Oh really, well it didn’t look that way in the photos.” Simon answers, I could tell, that he was smirking that familiar creepy grin of his on the other end. “I’m serious Simon, I found at when the boys and I ate at Nandos and I saw her working there and she had a bump.” “Are you sure it’s yours?” “Yes, positive,” “I’ll call you back Louis,” And with that, he hung up. As I heard the line go silent, I hung up and sat down on the cement step lifting my knees against my chest and placing my face in my palms. He was going to kick me out of One Direction, because of the bad publicity.

                         (Lilly’s POV) As soon as Louis headed out to the back porch, my phone started going off playing “Tik Tok,” By Ke$ha. I looked down to see Sameena on my home screen. I quickly press answer and a not-so-happy panicky Sameena starts to freak out on me. “Were you forgetting to tell me something? You know something freaking important?” She says freaking out on me. “I’m sorry Sameena. I didn’t really tell anyone. Lou just found out like 4 days ago.” I say trying to calm her down. “I’m on my way to Doncaster,” She replies quickly, before she hangs up leaving the line silent. I decide not to call back and argue, and just let her come. About an hour later, Ivy, Colbie, and the lads make their way into the apartment. “Hey,” they call as walk into the lounge. Lou and I were silent. I was scared about what was going to happen with Louis and his career. This is why I never wanted to tell him in the first place, I’m ruining his dreams, his life, and his career. Everyone fell silent, as a tear escaped out of the corner of my eye, falling down my cheek and dropping onto my hoodie. As I start to sob, I get up and walk to the sliding door, slamming it behind me, ignoring everyone, as I make my way to the porch swing. I bring my knees up to my chest and sob into my knees.

                      (Louis’ POV) “Lou, what the f*ck did you do you little prick?” Ivy exclaims, confused and wide-eyed by what had just happened. “I’m not in the mood, Ugh and I didn’t do shit!” I scream before heading out to the porch to talk to Lillian. After slamming the sliding glass door, I make my way to the porch swing, where I hear Lilly sobbing softly. As I approach her, she looks up at me… her face is beat red and her eyes all watery. I sit down on the swing next to her, and pull her close into my arms. “Lillian, what’s wrong babe? Why are you crying?” I coo holding her tighter and stroking her hair. She didn’t answer me and started shaking and trembling as she sobbed harder and harder. “Lillian… shhhh... don’t cry beautiful.” “How can I not cry when I’m ruining your life,” She shouts in anger. Those words, took me by surprise. Does she really think she’s ruining my life? She’s given me the best thing in the whole wide world. Her love and a baby for us to love and raise together. “Baby, you’re not ruining my life. Not at all! You’ve given me the best things anyone could have ever given me.” “And what’s that?” She sniffles. “Your love and a baby we can love and raise together. Lillian, I love you,” I say hugging her tighter and kissing her passionately and softly. “I love you too Louis, I’m sorry. I just thought I was ruining everything for you. This is why I never wanted to tell you in the first place, I didn’t want to ruin your dreams and send them crashing and spiraling down. And who called earlier?” She asks. “Baby, you’re not ruining anything. And Simon.” I say, the last word coming out like a cuss word or the name Voldemort in Harry Potter. “He was angry, wasn’t he?” She says lowering her head and looking at her hands in her lap. I lift up her chin and look into her gorgeous forest green eyes before saying, “I would rather lose the band and fame, than lose you,” 

You Found Me: A Louis Tomlinson Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now