Ch. 1 <3

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                As I read the double marks, I slide onto the cold marble floor. Tears flood from my eyes, as I bury my face into my hands. This can’t be happening. No, this is all just a terrible nightmare. My hands tremble as I dial my best friend Ivy’s number. “Hello?” She answers. “Ivy…” I sob into the mobile. “Yeah” She asks worriedly. I couldn’t even answer her at the moment, I just sobbed. “I’m coming over.” She says before hanging up. I got up, walked downstairs, and curled up on the couch, sobbing into the plush side pillow.

                 Ivy didn’t even knock, she ran into the living room, jumped over the couch, and hugged me tightly. “Lils, what’s wrong?” I held out the test so she could see it. “Oh, Lilly,” She says hugging me tighter as I weep. “Does Louis know?” “No…” I say weeping harder. “When are you telling him?” “Never” I hiss. “We broke up last week.” “What? Why?” She asks concerned and confused. “He broke up with me last week, because he is going to audition for the X-Factor. He said he didn’t want to try long distance with that and when I move to London.” Still, you have to tell him, Lilly! It’s his baby too.” “I don’t want it to be. If he can’t handle a long distance relationship, how would he handle being a dad? He chose his dreams over us, and he probably wouldn’t want anything to do with the baby, Ivy.” “I doubt that Lils! You know how bad he’s always wanted kids.” She says. I went silent, knowing that she was telling the truth. “I just can’t tell him right now, Ivy. We just broke up about 6 days ago. He probably wouldn’t believe me if I told him. Plus, he’s out trying to live his dreams; I don’t want to ruin that for him.” Before she could answer, the front door creaked open.        

                 “Lilly, I’m back.” My mum says walking over to the couch. “Lillian, what’s wrong?” My mum says sitting down next to me. “Well, I better get heading home. My mum wants me to clean before she gets back.” Ivy says, leaving me there all alone with my mother. “Lilly, what’s wrong?” My mum asks again, starting to sound really worried. “I’m fine. I’m just kind of upset about the Louis thing still.” I say getting up off the couch. I walk up the stairs, relieved my mum let it slip, even though I knew she could tell I was lying. I laid down on my bed, and put in my ear buds. Ed Sheeran’s “The A Team,” Started to play. I was peacefully drifting off, forgetting everything that has happened in the last week. “What in the bloody hell is this?” My mum says busting through the door and throwing the pregnancy test at me. I couldn’t speak, I froze. I sat there for a minute, just shocked, with a blank expression on my face, before my mum came over and slapped me across the face. “I’m very disappointed in you Lillian; I thought I raised you so much better than this. I can’t believe you right now. Does Louis know?” She sat there for five minutes just rattling off questions and shouting at me. I was on the verge of tears. “I’m going to the store, and when I get back, you better be gone. I don’t ever want to see you again. Sometimes I wish you were never born.” She spat before slamming my door. As I threw all my clothes, cd’s, and blankets into a duffel bag, I started to sob. I carried the duffel bag down to my car and threw it in the trunk. I went back inside, grabbed a few more things and left.

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