Ch.3 <3

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                      (A week later) I woke up and sprinted towards the bathroom. If there’s one thing I hate most about pregnancy, it would have to be the morning sickness. I hated the flu as a kid, and I absolutely hate throwing up. When I’m done, I brush my teeth and hop in the shower. Today is the day I meet the doctor I have chosen to help out with my pregnancy and deliver my baby... And I’m a nervous wreck! I hate hospitals, and what is the doctor going to be thinking? “Oh here we go again, another stupid, single, 17 year old girl that got knocked up.” The thought that people would soon view me like that, made me sick to my stomach. I’ve always been that perfect honours student, the one that the teachers loved, and always had all A’s. The girl that no one ever thought would be knocked up. The one who is going to be attending Cambridge University for Dermatology.That was who I was, but by the time fall comes around, they’ll be looking at me completely different. That is, if I don’t take online high school courses. To me, that sounds like the way to go. When I hop out of the shower, I throw on this ([polyvore] ) and apply my make-up. “Ivy, can you please come with me? I’m scared.” I say as I nudge her. She sleeps like a brick. “Ivy!” I practically scream while shoving her. “What?” She mumbles sleepily, her eyes still closed. “Can you please come with me to the Doctors? I’m scared.” I say hoping she’ll agree to come with me. “Yeah, I guess. How long until we leave” She asks sitting up and rubbing her eyes. “About forty minutes.” I respond. “Okay, let me take a shower and get dressed. I’ll meet you downstairs in a few.” She says getting up and walking over to the bathroom. I’m so glad she’s coming. She’s an amazing best friend; I have absolutely no idea what I would do without her.

                       As I make my way into the kitchen, I almost run straight into Ivy’s older brother Jake. Jake is Louis’ age and they are really close friends. “Hey Lils, I heard you’re moving in.” Jake says grabbing an apple off the counter and biting into it. “Yeah, just until I get my paycheck though.” I reply quickly heading over to where Mrs. Woods had set out bacon, eggs, and toast for Bay and I. I quickly grab a plate and fill it. “So, why did your mum throw you out in the first place?” He asks curiously. “Long story” I quickly reply, not wanting to tell him. I knew if I told him, Louis would soon find out. As I ate, it calmed my nerves a bit. I may just have to take some of the bacon with me, that way when I get nervous I can just chew on that. I laughed at the thought and placed my plate in the dish washer. “Bye Jake, see ya later.” I say running up to the bedroom and grabbing my purse. As I make my way back downstairs, I was greeted by Ivy who was already standing at the front door wearing this ([polyvore] ). “Ready for this” She asks enthusiastically. “I guess so.” I mutter following her out to my car.

                     ---As soon as I step foot in the cold, air conditioned hospital, chills are sent up my back. The last time I was in a hospital, was when my dad passed away from cancer 3 years ago. I hated it here- the blank white walls and cold tile floors. As I walk over to the reception desk and sign in, Ivy makes her way to the tropical fish tank. “I’m going to name this one… FELIPPA!!!!! She shouts. “Ivy, be quiet.” I say hushing her before laughing. “Sorry.” She responds sitting down on the chair next to me. We waited fifteen minutes before finally being escorted to a room. “Hi Lillian, I’m Doctor Edwards, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He says extending his right hand. “It’s nice to meet you too, Doctor.” I respond. As he gets all of his stuff set up and ready, I sat there fidgeting with my hands. The first twenty minutes of my appointment were really boring. We discussed my medical history, allergies, medications, and if I have had any other pregnancies or miscarriages. It got really awkward, when he asked about Louis’ medical history. I honestly couldn’t tell the Doctor anything. I just had to say I didn’t know at the moment. After that, came the part I was most excited for, he told me the due date is March 3rd, 2011. After taking about 5 different tests to make sure I was healthy, the Doctor sent me on my way and Ivy and I went out for ice cream to celebrate. As we sat there eating our ice cream, I took out the ultra-sound photo. “I can’t believe this is actually happening.” I say looking down at the photo. “Me either. I never expected you to have a kid this young.” She says in agreement. “I’m kind of happy with this though. I mean even though Louis left, I’ll still have a part of him here with me.” I tell her smiling. “Yeah,” She says smiling in agreement. I could tell she was just as shocked that he left as I am. 

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