Ch.11 <3

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                   (2months Later) Well, Louis never replied to the messages I left him and I guess that shows how much he misses me, or cares. Today marks the 3rd month of my pregnancy and I’m definitely showing now. There’s no way of hiding it. After showering, curling my long chestnut brown hair, and applying natural looking make-up, Ivy knocked on my bedroom door. “Lillian, hurry up, you’re going to be late! Colbie is here and ready to go!” She screams through the door. “Coming,” I say while grabbing my purse and dusting some lint off my shirt. As I appear at the end of the stairs, I see Ivy smiling and holding a bagel. “Here,” She says tossing it to me. “Thanks, I’ll see you at nine, okay?” I say before taking a bite of my bagel and reaching for my car keys off the rack. “Okay, I’ll order pizza. I know you won’t want to cook.” Ivy says smiling and opening the front door for me. “Bye,” I call over my shoulder, as I meet Colbie out on the front steps. “Hey!” She exclaims hopping up off the stone steps. “Ello; Ready for another long, exhausting day at work” I ask cheerfully as I unlock the Range Rover and we hop in. “Yup, ready as I’ll ever be,” She says slipping on her shades. ---(5:00 PM) As I make my way to my next table, my stomach knotted up. As I approached the table, I understood why. Sitting there was Louis and his band-mates. I went to walk back to the kitchen in a hurry and have Colbie wait on them, when I heard Louis say my name.

                  (Louis’ POV) After the Lad’s and I been put together as a boy band, Simon wanted us to get to know one another better. The first place we went was Harry’s house in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire for a week. This week, it was my turn to show the lads around my home town, Doncaster, and get to know them better. For dinner, we had decided on Nando’s, Niall’s favourite restaurant. I remember when Lillian and I used to eat there. It brought back so many amazing memories. As we sat there, waiting for our waitress, I saw a girl that looked like Lilly walking towards us, dressed in a Nando’s uniform. That’s when I realized it was Lilly. Oh how much I’ve missed seeing her beautiful face. Her features were exotically beautiful in every way. I thought she moved though? I wish I had my phone; she probably called to tell me she didn’t have to anymore. “Lilly” I said more as if I was asking a question. All the lads turned to look at me, and she stopped dead in her tracks. I noticed she had been scurrying away to the kitchen, when I had stopped her. When she turned around, I saw that it was indeed my Lillian. I went to get up and give her a humungous hug, but then noticed something, a small bump. Then it hit me like a brick wall, she was pregnant. I felt all the blood in my face fall. I couldn’t move. I was so shocked, that I could barely breathe. “Lilly, we need to talk, now.” I say shaking and getting up. “Where in the bloody hell are you going Lou?” Niall asked as I continued to make my way towards a frightened Lillian. “To talk to Lils,” I simply replied as I rushed her along to the kitchen and we made our way out back. “Colbie, can you get table 13 for me?” Lils asked another girl, maybe a year younger. “Yeah, sure,” She replied giving us a weird look.

                “Lillian! Why didn’t you tell me? How could you just let me leave?” I ask sternly. “I found out a week after you left,” She said shaking terribly. I could tell that she was just as scared as I am at the moment.  “I tried getting ahold of you so many times Louis. I emailed you about 5 times, texted you maybe 7 and called about 12 times. I even left a voice mail, but you never got back to me,” She added. “They took my phone, Lilly! They want us to be focused on our career.” I say looking into her gorgeous light emerald coloured eyes. “You should have called when you first found out, or you could have even swung by my house. I was still in town that week,” I added. “Lou, when I first found out, I was thrown out of my house. I had to go and ask Ivy’s parents if I could live with them. I was so scared. I was afraid you wouldn’t believe me, or that you’d be upset.” She says on the verge of tears, her eyes turning a dark green. “I’m so sorry Lilly,” I said and hugged her tightly as a tear fell and rolled down her cheek. “Are you upset” She asked between sobs. “No, no, I’m not upset, Lilly.” How could I be upset? It wasn’t her fault I got her pregnant. “Can the lads and I stay with you tonight? I can see we have a lot to catch up on. I’m so sorry you’ve had to do this on your own.” I add while stroking her beautiful, long hair. “Yeah, you can. I won’t be back to mine and Ivy’s flat until 9 though. And it’s okay, I lived didn’t I?” She replies. God, she is so strong. That’s how she’s always been, a strong and independent woman. She could have been scared and like most scared teens, give up her baby, but no. She kept it. And I was so thankful for that. I’m going to be a dad. I found her.

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