Ch. 16 <3

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                         After visiting with Johanna for a while, Louis grabbed his suitcase and we headed back to my flat. As soon as I opened the apartment door, I was surrounded by the lads, Ivy, and Colbie. “Soooo… What are you having?!” They all screamed excitedly. “We’re having…A boy!” Louis says whipping out the ultrasound picture. Everyone gathered around us and congratulated us while looking at the picture. “Do you have any names picked out?” Colbie asks. “Yup, his name is Tommy William Tomlinson.” I answer proudly. “We MUST go out and celebrate!” Ivy says jumping up and down. “This calls for… a beach day!!!” Colbie screams running out the door and over to her flat to get her bathing suit and towel. I had always loved the beach, the sound of the waves crashing slowly into the shore, the feeling of the sand crunching between your toes as you walk along the shoreline, the sail boats that were visible out at sea. “We better go get changed,” Louis says interrupting grabbing my hand, leading me upstairs. This was going to be an amazing day filled with friends and fun. “What about this?” I say turning around to face Louis, while wearing this ([polyvore]). I stood there, looking at myself in the mirror. You could see the baby bump clearly. I didn’t know whether this looked okay or if I should go buy a tankini. “You look beautiful love,” He says coming over and kissing me before placing a hand on my stomach. I can see in the reflection of the mirror that he’s smiling. When Louis was done getting on his swim trunks, we made our way downstairs. Ivy was wearing this ([polyvore]) and Colbie had changed into this ([polyvore]). “Do we want a picnic?” I asked everyone while making my way over to the kitchen. “YES!” Niall and Ivy scream in unison. They run over to the kitchen and help me find stuff to pack.

                          (Colbie’s POV) As Lilly, Ivy, and Niall rushed for the kitchen to make up a picnic, Harry and I made our way to the couch. I was going to sit down next to him, when he grabbed me by the hips and sat me down on his lap. For the last three days, Harry has been staying at my flat since there’s no room at Ivy’s and Lilly’s flat. He is SUCH a flirt, but he is really cute. The last couple nights, well they’ve been something different. (Flashback) “I’m bored,” Harry whines as I sit on my netbook typing Lilly. “Wanna make some cupcakes?” I ask getting up and closing my netbook slowly. “Yeah, I love baking. I used to work at a bakery.” Harry says getting up excitedly. Once we got the ingredients out, we started to mix the batter. When I wasn’t paying attention, Harry threw flour all over me! “Harry!” I scream while laughing. I grab a handful of flour and throw it straight into his curly hair. He gasped then screamed, “It’s on Colbie!”And then, my kitchen was turned into a war zone.  I was about to hit harry with an egg, but I slipped on something and fell down onto the tile. Harry then rushed over to me and kneeled down asking if I was ok. He looked into my eyes and started to lean in. He thought I was going to kiss back, but when he was just centimeters away from touching my lips, I rolled over and hopped up. I then smirk, wink, and strut to my room leaving him in wonder with his eyebrows furrowed. I like playing hard to get. I don’t care if Harry Styles was centimeters away from kissing me, he’ll have to wait. (END)

                           “So Colbie, about the other night,” Harry began snapping me out of the flashback that was playing through my mind. “Yeah,” I say turning around and looking into his emerald green eyes. He had a look of confusion on his face and his normally cheeky smile was faded. “I’m confused,” “About what,” I ask. “On why you rejected my kiss the other night,” He said looking hurt. “I really like you Colbie,” He added. At that moment I couldn’t say anything. I was speechless. Harry Styles just proclaimed that he really likes me. The best part was that I really like him too. It seemed that every time he said something cheesy and flirted with me I fell harder and harder. Since I couldn’t think of what to say, I decided to show him how I felt. I leaned in slowly and kissed his soft, perfect lips. I felt him smile during the kiss which caused me to smile to. I heard a bunch of “Aweeee’sss” Coming from all around us. After about 2 minutes we both pulled away and smiled at each other. “Beach Time!!!!!” Ivy screams breaking the silence that had followed the awes. Everyone got up, rushing for the two cars parked out front. I took Harry and Zayn, while Lilly took Louis, Ivy, Niall, and Liam. This is going to be an amazing day.

                       (At the beach: Louis’ POV) As soon as we pulled up to the beach, everyone grabbed their stuff and ran for the water. I grabbed Lilly’s hand, and we walked down to meet everyone else. When we got down there, everyone set their stuff up quickly and made their way for the water. Everyone that is, except Lillian. “Lilly are you coming?” Ivy screamed as Niall carried her over his shoulder and into the ocean. “Nah, I’m going to tan and read my Nicholas Sparks book,” She replies while pulling out the book mark. Suddenly, and without warning, I grab her, put her over my shoulder and run for the water. “Louis William Tomlinson, put me down this instant!” She screams as I run through the water and the cold water flies everywhere. Once we’re out by everyone else I go to slowly dip her in the water. “Louis, I swear to god! It’s freezing!” She says ready to kill me. I didn’t care though, she was going in. I quickly plunge under the freezing cold water dragging her with me. When I swim back up to the surface she hops off my back and I turn around to see her smiling and laughing. God I loved her laugh. She hates, but I think it’s so cute.

                       (Ivy’s POV) Once we arrived at the beach, Niall and I decided to go on a walk. Half way through our walk, I felt him grab my hand and interlace his fingers with mine. It felt perfect. “Listen Ivy, I know this may sound weird, but I think I know you,” He says turning to face me. “Here, let’s sit down he says as we start to sit on the soft, white sand. Not knowing what to say, I fell silent. “You’re from Mullingar? Right” Niall asks looking into my eyes. I couldn’t help but get lost in his. They were like looking at the perfect shade of Bahamas ocean blue. They were the prettiest eyes I had ever seen in my entire life. “Yeah, I lived there until year 6, that’s when I moved to Doncaster,” I reply. “I used to have the biggest crush on you, and seeing you again brings it all back. I found you, Ivy.” He says his eyes lighting up and a huge smile spreading across his face. “I admit the biggest crush on you before I moved!” I say smiling like I won the lottery. Right after I said that, he placed his hands on my cheeks, leaned in slowly and kissed me passionately. His lips were so soft and sparks seemed to fly everywhere. This day was perfect.

You Found Me: A Louis Tomlinson Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now