To the Barbarian people no family can ever reach the glory of the Magister family. Originating from the depths of the North (or Wastelands as the south people call those lands), The Magister family is rumoured to had been founded by a mythical wizard named Nigrumos (black boned), which is also a city name in the North.The rise of Hemoboros and the Barbarian Invasion also had serious consequences for the people of the Wastelands. Hemoboros was taking by force soilders to his ranks and stealing other barbarian tribes' riches so he could arm his men. For that reason the Magister family descended south and soon came across the city of Hardrow.
Hardrow was taking in all Barbarian refugees and soon its population was predominantly barbarians. The city was heavily disorganized and dismayed by the attacks of barbarians so the intelligent Serus Magister decided to take the situation on his own hands. He formed an army, he build a stone wall around the city and defended itself from the army of Hemoboros who wanted them all dead, despite being Barbarian origin just like him.
The defense was a success, Serus Magister was crowned Rex of the city and married a royalty of the old city named Maria. He had two sons and a daughter who grew up to be greatly educated and knowledgeable adults.
Sadly the rise of the Theeran empire and the fall of Goldengate worsened the relations between Hardrow and the Theeran Empire, relations already bad enough. They didn't trust Hardrow as most of its people were Barbarians.
Serus' family was called by the very young king of Andros, Kreetias Theeras, one of the Tyrrants of the Theeran Empire, for a dinner at his palace in order to fix the problems between the two kingdoms. The dinner turned out to be deadly.
Kreetias put poison in all the food offered, poison that took action much after consuming it. When the unsuspecting family started returning from Andros they all started to fall victims to the poison's effects. Everyone died except Serus who he was put under heavy drugs from his doctors in order to save him. Except the family members 20 more cooks and foodtasters were killed by Kreetias' poison and that dinner was named by all the "Death's Dinner" and Kreetias took the notorious nickname of the poisoner.
Serus Magister had to continue his life without any kin, he took twenty young men in his palace and started tutouring them. One of his favorite students was the last member of a royal family named Marcus and his best friend Lorenso, who both appear in the story.

FantasyThe Freelands are in a vurneable position. Threatened by North from Barbarians and by south from the Tyrrants, They stand on a thin line between freedom and slavery. And the death of a king will long term threaten that fragile freedom even more. ©Al...