Family Info - The Viriallis

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The South Kingdoms has some less influential and strong families but that doesn't mean they cannot take their own place in the world.

The Viriallis was one of the families that had the greatest ascension and most devasting fall the South Kingdoms has seen.

Its Founder is considered to be Emanuelo Viriallis, Great grandfather of Ricardo. Emanuelo was a general at the command of the Volca Family, who after his retirement decided to live in his summer estate on top of beautiful hill named Aurus with his wife and children. Emanuelo took many strolls on the steep cliffs of the hill, as he got inspiration for his autobiography there. There he found something that changed his family history forever. The cliffs had a seriously high concentration of gold inside them. Emanuelo with his retirement money he got the Volca family build the mines and bought an overambitious amount of slaves to work for him at the mines. His confidence turned out to be fruitful.

The cliffs turned out to have the most  amount of gold in the entire Mainlands and the family owned that mine turning incredibly rich over the generations.

Few years passed and the summer estate turned into an entire city decorated by a huge, superheavy, gate 100% made out of gold. The gate was decorated with beautiful depictions of the workers working in the mines, and other scenes from nature. Goldengate was the name given to that new city.

Goldengate sadly, fall to the rule of the Tyrrant and everything was taken away, the mines were destroyed, the gate itself dissapeared and everything golden in the city stolen. 

The Vireallis family was massacred, Ricardo's brother escaped the slaughter with his son Carello and Ricardo's daughter Smerna.

Except the Viriallis, they were also other families who got rich underneath the glory of the Viriallis. Like the goldmine guards, a big family named "the Boreallis", and the coinmakers, a strange family named "the Fuegas".

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