Family Info - The Volcas

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Arch Nemesis of the Coshaqs, the Volcas are proud family of the West that origanates from the area of the Ancient forest.

The forest tribe was living alongside the tremendously huge trees of the forest for centuries, having build a city inside the forest. Soon a man named Volca realized that the trees can be built into very powerful ships, that are extremely hard to sink by artillery.

The people followed his idea and created a navy able to compete with the rulers of the Western Seas, the Notorious Coshaqs. The war between them was very balanced and no side ever appeared to be winning or losing. By raiding settlements in the south, the Volcas created a city surrounded by the Ancient Forest that was named Saltharbour.

At the time of the Barbarian Invasion, King Rory the first, gathered his citizens and encouraged them to let no Barbarian step in their forest. The wrath of their defense was so fierce that it turned into offense. The Volcas were found pursuing the retreating  Barbarians all the way to the Narrow sea and they left noone alive. Then they helped  Goldengate alongside Lance Hail the First and defeated Hemoboros.

Since then the citizens of Saltharbour, have inhuman hatred towards barbarians that any barbarian group they see near their lands they hang him alive.

After the death of Rory the first, His son of the same name took the throne, Rory the second, but because he hated his name so much, he renamed himself Seawolf Volca. Seawolf married the most notorious female pirate in the world named Fourtuna, a woman of monsterous appearance and extremely foul mouthed. And they even had a son named Frick Volca.

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