4. Servant
Lance rides his horse alongside Pherephoro for over four hours in complete silence. Hierydor is way too far for Lance to go back in case he feels danger, and Pherephono's intriguing appearance and attitude doesn't inspire him the most trust.
Pherephono walks forward with his head strictly looking forward, like he is forced to not look any other way. Occasionally he takes quick glances at his left and right side to quickly check the horrizon and then back up on his stable posture.
Lance doesn't feel safe to speak to him, he is afraid he might distract him from whatever he is ordered to do by Cynnon and so remains silent. But as time passes and he has been silent for over six hours now, he takes the brave attempt to break the silence.
"Is Strong-Tower nearby?" Lance asks.
"Destination will be reached by noon." Pherephono says in the same monotonous loud voice he always has keeping his head straight forward.
Lance shakes his head in fondness and keeps walking forward.
"How long have you been in Cynnon's army, soilder?" He asks.
"Two years in training and one in service."
"Three years on the army and you own one of the highest rank?"
"First year was spent in Theera, underneath the Anaktoro. Fifty soilders abandonded their past self and accepted to take the trial to greatness. They were faced with scorch and frost at different days, the food was limited, so was the water. The fifty became forty after a while. Forty became Thirty and then was the war."
"What war?"
"Masters separated us in two groups of fifteen and carved the one team the symbol of the Theeran empire on their throat and on the other one the one of the Theeras family. That was my team."
"And what happened next?"
"We were left in the dungeons with a few supplies and they waited for one team to be exterminated by the other. We built forts in those massive dungeons and fights took place like those in real wars. Untill we won."
"You had to kill people who you survived together with a while ago?"
"Six of them were killed by me. Fighters unmatched with everything that exists outside of the Theeran empire."
"What about your comrades?"
"It was me and two other who got the title of Pherephono. We were presented in the counsil of the Anaktoro infront of the seven tyrrants and all the masters. Because we were carrying the Family emblem the Masters exitted the room and the tyrrants were only present inside."
"Seven Theerans?"
"No. The Tyrrants are the Royal blooded ones. The founders of the empire. Theeras and Nemesis the families with the same banner, yet they keep their intentity. The masters are rich families, they asked for power and it was provided and they brought our empire to greatness."
"How many are the Theeras then?"
"Five. Cynnon the Savage, Kreetias the Poisoner, Amelia the II, Demeetra the Fightress and Xeephocleus the Adventurer. The last one got into a dangerous journey with his father Master and true Anax (King) Xenophon Theeras on a dangerous adventure on the Wastelands in search for a treasure, Master Fratzios has taken his place temporarily."

FantasyThe Freelands are in a vurneable position. Threatened by North from Barbarians and by south from the Tyrrants, They stand on a thin line between freedom and slavery. And the death of a king will long term threaten that fragile freedom even more. ©Al...