Chapter Thirty-Four

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 With the ape-like man grinning down at them, it was as if they had been transported back to Elysium. Trinket could hear the fire crackling while she and Tory stood over a large cast-iron pot in the grimy old kitchen, mixing ingredients for the gruel they ate day in and day out, all while a bored orderly watched over them.

The Ape Man.


Her vision blurred for a moment as her two worlds blended together, her past and present, until she couldn't remember where she was. Was she in Elysium? Was she trapped within those feverish walls, surrounded by drugs and electricity and half-dead girls?

The Ape Man was here. And Tory. Maybe she had never escaped in the first place. Maybe it had all been a dream. And now this brutish orderly was here to drag her back to reality.

You can never escape.

This is where you belong.




A dull crunch interrupted the voices. She looked down. Shards of broken glass peeked out from beneath her boots. Properly fitting boots. Boots she hadn't worn since coming to Elysium.

She twisted the fabric of her skirt around her fingers anxiously. Satin. Not itchy cotton like she was used to. No, this was silky, fine satin.

Her mind reeling, she took in the brick walls surrounding her. They seemed distant and foggy, as if they weren't real. But as the cool night air chilled her skin, she felt herself settle back into reality.

She returned her attention to the man in front of her. He wasn't the Ape Man. He was Squeeze. Not that that was much of a consolation.

Her eyes darted to Tory who was staring up at the Mouse. Her lip twitched, allowing Trinket to catch a glimpse of the metal fangs in her mouth.

This wasn't Tory. This was the vampire that had been terrorizing the city.

This was not Elysium.

This was Tinkerfall.

This was her home.

Swallowing hard, she met Squeeze's vicious stare. Home or not, this wasn't an ideal situation to be in. But she was used to less-than-ideal situations at this point in her life.

"Must be my lucky day to find you both together," Squeeze said, cracking his meaty knuckles as he took one large step towards them.

Trinket and Tory fell back, their former argument forgotten in the face of this new threat.

A scowl twisted the thug's expression. "It's cuz of you two that I got sacked from the asylum. They called me all sorts of words I don't remember. Big words. And I'm pretty sure they all meant 'stupid.' I don't like being called stupid."

"If the shoe fits," mumbled Tory.

Trinket stifled a gasp as she widened her eyes at her brazen friend.

Squeeze bared his teeth and leaned forward. "What was that?" he growled.

Tugging at Tory's arm to keep her from repeating the insult, Trinket cleared her throat. "But Mr. Squeeze, I thought you were happy being part of the Mice? Of what worth was your former job compared to what you have now?"

Sneering, he cracked his neck and moved towards them again. "You talk real fancy for a crazy girl," he said. "Must be hanging around that doctor too much."

The two girls backed away, but they didn't get far before they hit the wall.

"Now that Scales is gone, we got no use for you," Squeeze said. "Which means I don't have to worry 'bout keeping you alive. And that makes things more fun."

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