~Nine: Part I~

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There he was again.

Gin stayed hidden in the shadows as she watched the young man make his way to the Clocktower, a small suitcase in his hand and a bounce to his step. His lips curled into a soft smile as he looked up at the sign fixed above the building. Boisterous laughter and thick smoke escaped from the alehouse as he pulled open the door and slipped inside.

The noise was muffled as the door slammed closed, but a small cloud of smoke remained, drifting through the chilly night air. The familiar scent of tobacco set Gin at ease as she pondered her next move.

She didn't know much about the young man. Yet. All she knew was that his name was Booker Larkin, he was a doctor, and he had money.

The money part is what caught her attention.

He'd been visiting Tinkerfall for a while now. He never spent more than a week here, and most of the time he stayed locked in his room at the Clocktower. But every once in a while, he'd venture out into the rest of the city. So far, she hadn't paid him much mind, thinking he was just another pretty-faced member of the gentry. However, when she caught wind of some of the rumors going around about him, her interest was piqued.

About his dealings with the poor.

And the surgeries he performed in his rented room.

So she'd been watching for him, waiting for his next visit. Now he was here, and she was going to do her best to figure out what he was all about.

Pulling her bowler over her eyes, she ran towards the alehouse and joined the drunk crowd within.

There was no sign of the doctor as she wove her way through the throng of people. Likely he'd gone straight to his room. She glanced at the stairs but decided not to head up there yet. Best to be patient. He'd probably make an appearance within the hour. From what she'd seen of him, he seemed to revel in the loud and chaotic scene inside the Clocktower. Just more proof that he was no ordinary gentleman.

She stationed herself by a group of night flowers who were lazily scanning the crowd. However, their expressions turned from boredom to irritation when a woman sauntered up to join them.


"That Booker Larkin is back," she said, leaning against a nearby table.

"That so?" said one of the night flowers.

"And are you here to brag about how valuable you are to him?" said another, her lip curled up into a snarl.

Adelaide smiled, showing off her very large teeth. "Green is an ugly color on you, Betsie."

"Can't lie, though," said a flower with a concerning sore on her lip as she watched someone coming down the stairs. "I'd be willing to give him a free round. Or two."

The other women followed her gaze, as did Gin. Booker Larkin was making his way into the room. There was a faint smile on his lips as he surveyed the crowd before taking a seat at an empty table.

"Mmm, yes, he is a handsome devil, isn't he?" Adelaide said, licking her lips as she looked him up and down.

Someone called for her, and her face fell as she pulled her gaze away from the doctor. The other night flowers watched her go, not even bothering to hide the disdain in their eyes.

"Why would someone like him," said the flower with the sore, gesturing to Booker, "seek the company of someone like her?"

"I don't think it's her cloven inlet he's after," said another. "Something tells me it's her big mouth."

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