Chapter Thirty-Two

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 It took a moment for the leader of the Mice to regain his footing, but once he did, he squinted at Booker and Trinket. "Don't I know you two?" he asked, his words slurred.

Two other men appeared by his side, one of whom was Squeeze. Trinket inhaled sharply and edged closer to Booker, attempting to hide her face behind his shoulder. "I'm afraid not, my good sir," Booker said with a quick smile. "But we were on our way to an important appointment, so if you—"

Viper put out an arm to stop them from leaving, and Booker pulled Trinket close, his body tense and rigid. "No, no, no. I do know you. You're the ones who showed up at Lydia's door the other day," he said. "Yeah, cuz you're that little blonde strumpet with the clap. I remember now."

Squeeze turned his eyes to her, and she ducked her head down, hoping he wouldn't recognize her. "Ah, right. Sorry, I have a terrible memory," Booker said. "It's good to see you again, sir. But we do indeed have somewhere to be, so if you'll excuse us."

He tried to leave again, but Viper wouldn't let him go. "Has your girl cleaned up a little?" he asked, nodding at her. "Cuz if she has, I'd pay you some good money to try my hand at her. I'm rather partial to blondes."

The thug leered at her, making her skin crawl.

"That ain't no night flower, sir," said the other Mouse whom she did not recognize. "She's his assistant."

"Assistant? He a magician or something?"

"Doctor. This here is Larkin."

Viper's eyes widened, and a smile spread over his face. "Larkin? The chap Scales keeps going on about? Well, I'll be. You cause quite a bit of excitement, don't you?"

The three men stepped forward, forcing them back. "I do like to keep things lively, yes," Booker said, his grip on Trinket tightening.

"Scales seems to think you know something about these crazy things happening in the city," Viper said, moving ever closer. "Keeps mentioning your name."

"I'm flattered."

"Not the flattering sort of mention, boy."

Their backs hit a wall, and the three Mice closed in on them. Squeeze's gaze kept straying back to Trinket, and she could see the gears turning in his head, recognition slowly dawning on his face. She held her breath and prayed some miracle would save them.

"Hmm, looks like I caught you here all unawares-like," Viper said. "Maybe I should haul you in and question ya a little. I've been looking for some entertainment. Whaddya say, boys?"

The other Mouse cracked his knuckles while Squeeze continued to stare at Trinket, the corner of his mouth lifting in a cruel smile. She clutched Booker's arm. His eyes darted between the Mice frantically until suddenly they lit up.

"Oh, so you're one of Scales' men," he said, giving a soft laugh. "I'm sorry, you'll have to forgive me. It's been a long night. I thought I'd met all of the Mice, but you must be new."

Viper's face twisted into a confused scowl. "What're you talking about, boy?"

"You are one of Scales' underlings, right?"

"Underlings?" The man spoke the word as if it were bitter gall. "Are you wet behind the ears?"

Booker tilted his head innocently. "You're not one of Scales' Mice?"

"I am the leader of the Dead Mice," Viper said, jutting his thumb at his chest. "I ain't no underling."

Blinking in feigned bewilderment, Booker looked him up and down. "You are?"

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