You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers And Shenanigans

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Karin: Karin Winter here, coming to you from Booker Larkin's parlour in the fine, seedy city of Tinkerfall. Thank you again, Mr. Larkin, for letting us use your home for this segment. It was very generous of you.

Booker: I don't recall actually giving you permission to—

Karin: Yes, so very generous. Anyhow, joining me today are Booker, Trinket, Daphne, Gin, and Scales. I recently asked our readers if they had any questions for the characters in the Elysium series. The response was nothing short of hilarious.

Trinket: Oh, Lord, this isn't going to end well.

Scales: Please tell me someone asked for embarrassing stories from Larkin's childhood.

Booker: All right, seriously, I did not give permission for you to bring him into my house.

Gin: I hate to ever agree with Scales, but I'm definitely up for some funny stories about Booker.

Booker: Good Lord, someone save me...

Karin: Relax, relax. This is a safe space. No murders or threats or unauthorized amputations. Just some friendly conversation. All right? All right. Let's start with something nice and easy and not controversial at all. Daphne.

Daphne: *perks up and smiles*

Karin: Thank you for being here today, Daphne.

Daphne: *gives a polite nod*

Karin: So for the sake of simplicity [read: the writer's laziness] we're going to supply you with a pen and some paper for these questions. Booker, if you will? *hands a pen and paper to Booker*

Booker: *reluctantly takes the pen and paper and gives them to Daphne* I don't much like being bossed around like this.

Karin: Dude, if you only knew how much I boss you around without you knowing it.

Booker: *furrows brow* "Dude"?

Karin: Daphne, what is your favorite thing to cook?

Daphne: *face lights up* *writes on paper* *hands paper to Karin*

Karin: "I love to cook anything related to breakfast. But if I had to choose one dish, I would have to say sausage eggs. They're fun to make and delicious to eat." Mmm, yes, those are definitely on my to-try list.

Trinket: You cook?

Karin: *forced laughter* Good one! Moving on. Ah, here's another safe question. Trinket. What is your favorite tea?

Trinket: Hmm, well, I'm quite partial to plain green tea with a little honey. Although I've tried some blends from Emma's shop that infused a bit of lemon and other fruits. Those were delightful.

Booker: Ugh, that green sludge is not tea.

Daphne: *smacks Booker in back of the head*

Booker: Ouch!

Trinket: Thank you, Daphne.

Karin: All right, Booker, since you insist on interrupting, tell us, what has been your weirdest surgery up to this point?

Booker: *smiles* Ha, my weirdest surgery. Well, I think that would have to be when I reattached a rather...ah...delicate piece of male anatomy to a local landlord.

Trinket: *eyes widen* Oh, you can't mean—

Daphne: *doubles over laughing*

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