Chapter Twenty-Eight

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 The sight of the scowling lout made Trinket stumble back and bump into Theo who was frozen in terror. Swallowing down her own fear, she drew herself up and returned the Mouse's glare.

"You," Squeeze said again as he pointed at her. "I know you."

"Well, we do live in the same city, so I'd assume we would have crossed paths at some point," she said, attempting nonchalance.

"No. From before. I know you. And her." He moved his finger over to Theo but frowned when he got a good look at her. "Wait. She's the wrong girl. Where's the other one? The blonder one?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, sir," Trinket said. "This young lady and I are searching for a lost cat. So if you'll excuse us—"

She took Theo's hand and tried to move around the mountain of a man, but he blocked their way. "You're the one," he said. "You're the one I was watching."

Her heart skittered, but she remained resolute in her feigned ignorance. "You're watching me? Sir, I don't think the police look too fondly on peeping Toms."

"At the asylum."

He took a step towards her, and she found herself unable to hold her ground. Theo hid behind her, squeezing her hand tightly but not breathing a word.

"You were the little mad girl I was watching outside," he went on, eyes fixed on Trinket. "And then that other one—the really crazy one—she distracted me. She attacked Margery. And then you got away."

His expression twisted into unadulterated rage as he closed the small distance between them, forcing Trinket and Theo against the wall.

"You're the reason we got sacked," he growled. "It was you. That's why Margery was talking to you. That's why she was so mad. You're the reason we came here. You're the reason we couldn't find work."

Trinket shook her head. "But you have work, sir. You're with the Mice, aren't you?"

He grabbed hold of her shoulders and slammed her into the wall. Her head hit the cold brick, and she winced as a surge of pain burst in her neck. Blood trickled down her back from her reopened wound.

"You made a fool of me," Squeeze hissed. "I don't like that."

"But aren't you happy with the Mice? You have power, and people fear you. Isn't your life better now?"

A cruel smile lifted the thug's upper lip. "Scales might think you're worth something. But I don't think your worth will be any less with a few bruises and broken bones."

His thick fingers dug into her shoulders, and his touch brought her back to that cramped, dark room in Elysium.

Dragged from her bed in the throes of an episode.

Spiders crawling up the walls and ceiling.

Large, sweaty hands pulling her down a feverish hallway and securing her to a cold, metal table.

The sparking of the Jar as a blurry face hovered over her and pressed something round and smooth to her temples.

And then searing pain that she would never forget.

Returning to the dark, damp alley, she lost herself to the fear. She let out a terrified cry as she ripped herself from Squeeze's hold and ran, pulling Theo along with her. They sped down the street, tripping through puddles as the biting rain practically blinded them.

"You're gonna regret running," came Squeeze's voice only steps behind them.

His large, calloused hand grabbed her shoulder, jerking her away from Theo. She released a hiss of pain, and Theo stopped to help her. "No! Go!" Trinket shouted.

The Vampire of Tinkerfall (Elysium #3)Where stories live. Discover now