Chapter 3

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In a series of complex and elaborate tunnels running underneath the city...

Jungkook had picked up the transmission from the CCTV in Leah's living room, and had news to tell his boss.

As a part of their rule, BTS had installed a secret CCTV in every apartment in South Korea.

Meanwhile... his boss was in a meeting with his drug dealer and sub kidnapper.

In front of all three men was a map and plans to hunt down a rival.

"So if we hide here, we can attack from here and find out the information like this." The second man had explained.

Jungkook burst through the door and had fallen onto the floor.

All three men turned their attention to the noise.

"Jungkook do you mind? We're in a meeting!" His boss shouted.

"But sir... it's the girl..."

His eyes widened in realization.

"Oh." He turned back to the other men.

"Yoongi, Taehyung, we'll come back to this later. Please collect your things so I may speak to the maknae privately."

They bowed and ran out while Jungkook sat down in the dark office that had only been lit by a dim lamp over the desk.

"What did you find?"

"The cousin, she's making plans... plans to remove her from the city."

This started to get the elder angry.


"Because apparently she doesn't want her cousin to be associated with us."

He got a devilish smile on his face as he thought of a plan. An evil plan. Jungkook's boss had a wonderful, evil plan.

"So... she thinks she can just get her out of here? Tell you what Jungkook, find this cousin of her's and bring her here."

"What afterwards sir?"

His smirk got bigger as he thought of the plan.

"Oh you'll see Jungkook. You'll see."

And the man laughed out loud an evil laugh of devilish happiness.


Leah had shown her cousin where she could stay until the mafia situation blew over.

They had ran out of food so Leah was about to go to the convenience store for some Rameyeon.

"Do you need anything Alice?"

She thought. "Nope. I'll be fine."

"Ok, I won't be long."

She walked out the door and into the cold and dark night.

She got to the store and bought the cups of Rameyeon. As she was walking back to her apartment, she heard shuffling in the alleyway nearby.

Could it be them? She thought.

She shook her head and kept walking.

"Leah..." a voice whispered from behind.

She turned her head around to see a man in a ski mask.

"Who... who are you?"

"Oh... I thought you'd recognize me... you seem to have told your cousin all about us..."

She heard the deep voice and instantly recognized it.


He chuckled. "Very Good... you know... we can't have little tattletales like you spoiling our plans to young girls like that... tsk tsk... it seems you need to be punished..."

She got scared and ran off.

She ran but fell once she bumped into something on the way.

"Well who do we got here?"


V approached her from behind as Jungkook held her in place.

"Oh no... it seems like someone just really wants to be punished don't they?"

She started to cry.

"What do you want from me?"

He chuckled. "It's simple. All you need to do is surrender Alice to us, and you'll be safe from harm."

"No... stay away from her you monsters!"

"Oh I knew that you'd never agree. If you can't bring Alice to us, she'll just have to come to us herself."


V snapped his fingers and another man came out and held up a rag to her mouth.

She had passed out and V smirked as his job was completed.

They loaded into the car and drove to the secret entrance to the series of tunnels.

Jimin pulled out the walkie talkie.

"Boss, come in at device 1127, this is Jimin, over."

"Is the job done you pabo?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. You will have the task of delivering the next task to her once I give you permission."

"Yes sir."

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